The campus will remain closed until 12 noon Thursday, 02/13/25. Students should log into Canvas for specific class information from their instructors. Please contact event organizers for information on specific activities. Normal operations will resume at 12pm on Thursday.

Student Government

Our Mission

» About Us

Student Government is the liaison between the LTU Administration and the student population. Student Government offers an opportunity for students to better themselves and their University through involvement in campus activities, events and resolutions.

» Constitution Preamble

We, the students of Lawrence Technological University, realizing our obligation to foster a positive relationship with the faculty, the university, and the greater community, in order to promote student responsibility, keep open discussion of university issues and propositions, and foster our collegiate experience by serving the needs of students, student organizations, and the University hereby do establish, by the powers delegated by the University administration on October 26, 1933, and the Constitution of the Student Government of Lawrence Technological University.

» Current Resolutions

These are the changes that Student Government is focused on. Please reach out to us if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas.

Committees/ProgramCommittee Leader and Emails
Campus SustainabilityAlyssa Redge –
Accessibility & Campus ImprovementsAmelia Adams-
Safety, Health, & Mental HealthSara Bensen –
Culture and DiversityMarianna Fall –
Sports and AthleticsJeremy Chapp –

» Student Government Elections

Vote Here!

Do you want to represent your fellow peers and help make the student experience better on campus?
Then run for Student Government Executive Board.

  • Student Government represents more than 3,000 student voices to the administration and is the main communication link from the students to the University.
  • Benefits of running: Student involvement on campus, monetary compensation, and a good addition to your resume!
  • With bi-weekly meetings held during the academic year, students are able to get their suggestions to a group of students who are elected to represent them.
  • 2024–25 E-Board applications are now active. Please check out the Application Instructions and Position Descriptions PDFs (located on the right) to learn more.
  • To apply, you will need to complete the Party Nomination Petition (located to the right) and the Student Government Candidate Application by Monday, April 1st, at 11:59 p.m.
  • Elections will take place on Tuesday, April 9th, from 12:01 a.m.–11:59 p.m. Please check back on that day to vote.
  • Candidate Debates will take place on Tuesday, April 2nd at 12:30 pm in room M218.

Get to know the candidates and ask them questions before the Election on April 8th.

Important Documents

Position Descriptions

Party Nomination Petition

Application Instructions

Do you want to represent your fellow peers and help make the student experience better on campus?

Be a part of Student Government Senate and let your student voice be heard!

Senators head their own campus projects. For example, senators in past years have worked on getting more blue light phone stations around campus, improving the interfaith lounge, and improving more water bottle refilling stations around campus. This year, the senate will continue some of these projects that were started last year, and work on other service projects that the students of LTU would benefit from. In addition, Student Government as a whole, is working a lot closer with other organizations on campus, such as The Black Student Union (BSU) to improve the campus environment for all students.

Senator applications are being accepted from Monday, August 23rd until Sunday, September 5th at 11:59pm Elections will be on September 6th . You must have a minimum of a 2.3 GPA to apply. To apply, fill out the Senator Application.

» Contact Us


For updates about Student Government events, follow us on social media! @ltustudentgov on Instagram and @ltustugov on Twitter.

All interested students are encouraged to attend Senate meetings, which take place every other Tuesday of the semester at 12:30 p.m. in C406 (Welcome Center).

» Executive Board

» Senators

Amelia Adams Mrunal Gangji
Amalia Spencer Saurav Shreshtha
Alanna Dedenbach Sara Bensen
Fabian Adachi Alyssa Redge
Marianna Fall Jeremy Chapp
Victoria Ruzzin Jason Wegner

» Document Viewer

Use Your Cell Phone as a Document Camera in Zoom

  • What you will need to have and do
  • Download the mobile Zoom app (either App Store or Google Play)
  • Have your phone plugged in
  • Set up video stand phone holder

From Computer

Log in and start your Zoom session with participants

From Phone

  • Start the Zoom session on your phone app (suggest setting your phone to “Do not disturb” since your phone screen will be seen in Zoom)
  • Type in the Meeting ID and Join
  • Do not use phone audio option to avoid feedback
  • Select “share content” and “screen” to share your cell phone’s screen in your Zoom session
  • Select “start broadcast” from Zoom app. The home screen of your cell phone is now being shared with your participants.

To use your cell phone as a makeshift document camera

  • Open (swipe to switch apps) and select the camera app on your phone
  • Start in photo mode and aim the camera at whatever materials you would like to share
  • This is where you will have to position what you want to share to get the best view – but you will see ‘how you are doing’ in the main Zoom session.