The campus will remain closed until 12 noon Thursday, 02/13/25. Students should log into Canvas for specific class information from their instructors. Please contact event organizers for information on specific activities. Normal operations will resume at 12pm on Thursday.


Housing Renewal

Housing Renewal for Fall 2024 will be online in which students will email their housing application and additional forms to Students will be able to choose their preferred roommates, if any, and provide up to five (5) preferred rooms per room option. Housing staff will use this information to complete Fall 2024 placement. 

Students are given a specific day to email their completed forms to Status is based on current credits completed, and does not include credits being taken during the Spring 2024 semester. 

All forms must be emailed on your assigned day after 10am. Early applications will not be accepted.

Make sure you and your roommates email your application materials on the date of the roommate with the highest class ranking. For example, if a Senior, two Juniors, and a Sophomore want to live together, all forms may be submitted on the Senior Day (Monday, April 1st). However, any of the roommates can email the forms, it does not have to be the roommate with Senior status. 

If you are signing up to live with roommates, only ONE email will everyone’s forms should be sent.

Students with a housing accommodation through the Office of Disability Services will email their application on their assigned day like all other students. 

To find out your current status and your assigned date to email your application, please refer to the card that is given to you by your Resident Assistant. If you did not receive a card, or you lost/misplaced it, please email

» Renewal Schedule


Monday, April 1stGraduate Students & Seniors (90 credits or more)
Tuesday, April 2ndJuniors (60 – 89 credits)
Wednesday, April 3rdSophomores (30 – 59 credits)
Thursday, April 4thFreshmen (0 – 29 credits)
Friday, April 5th and afterLate applicants and/or commuter students who are not signing up with a current housing resident.

» Procedures and Reminders

  • Review all Housing Renewal information on the website, in the email sent by University Housing, and in the Housing Renewal 2024 Procedures Document.
  • All students living in housing are required to have a meal plan.
  • Determine your desired roommates and building for next year.
  • Complete all necessary forms, which include:
    • Housing Application – Each roommate will need to complete their own application.
    • Roommate Request & Room Preference Form
      • This form allows students to rank their building preferences and provide specific potential rooms. Please refer to the floor plans of each building to see available rooms.
      • Only one form is needed per room, if you have already planned who your roommates will be.
      • Failure to complete this form will result in Housing staff placing you based on any preferences listed on your housing application or in any available space.
      • If you do not have roommates planned for next year, please complete the Roommate Survey so we can find you the best possible roommate.
    • Co-ed Policy Form
      • This form is only necessary if you plan to live in a co-ed room next year.
      • Please remember, the room must be full to request a co-ed room. Only one form is needed for the room.
    • Over Occupancy Form
      • This form is only necessary if you plan to live in an over-occupied room next year.
    • Residents who wish to stay during Summer 2024 must submit a Summer Housing Application in addition to the Fall Housing Application. More information can be found on our Apply Page.
  • On your assigned Housing Renewal Day, you will email your housing application and any other necessary forms to
    • If you are signing up with roommates, you must designate ONE person to submit all forms for all roommates.
    • Each student must have their own housing application. If submitting other forms, only one is needed for the room.
  • All forms must be emailed on your assigned day or of the assigned day of the roommate with the highest class status. Only one email for the room should be submitted.
  • Forms should be emailed to with the subject line: Housing Renewal 2024.
  • Once your email is submitted, do NOT respond to that email. If you have questions, submit a separate email.


  • The Office of University Housing will be placing all students based on the following criteria:
    • Your assigned date to sign up/class ranking
    • Place in line – all applications will be timestamped in the order they are received which becomes your place in line.
    • Preferred building and room options.
  • As applications are received, they will be timestamped and numbered and placed in order for that day’s group.
    • For example, if you have senior status and we receive your application first, you and your roommates will be placed first during the senior placement round. If you are the fifth senior to email your application throughout the week, you and your roommates will be placed fifth during the senior placement round, etc.
  • The Office of University Housing will look at your preferences marked on the Roommate Request and Room Preference Form.
    • For example, if you marked your first choice as a Donley 2-bedroom apartment, and put three specific room choices, depending on your assigned day and place in line, you will either get one of your room choices, or we will try to give you the same room number on a different floor.
    • If none of your room choices are available, but the building is, we will try to place you in a different room within the same building.
    • If all rooms are full in your first building choice, we will then place you in your second, or possibly third choice building, depending on spaces available.
    • Please remember, the Roommate Request and Room Preferences form is a guide for Housing staff regarding your preferences, and placement in specific spaces is not guaranteed.

Donley Hall

  • Priority will be given to those whose room will be occupied by ALL Graduates, Seniors, Juniors, or those who will be Juniors in the fall. If you sign up with a current freshman or sophomore who will still be at freshman or sophomore status in the fall, you will be placed in Donley Hall if there is space after priority placements are made.
    • For example, if a Senior and Junior status student sign up with two students who will only be at Sophomore standing in the Fall, they will be placed at the end of the Junior day once priority is given to those who are signing up with all eligible roommates (all Juniors and above).
  • Your class ranking is based on credits completed. Current (Spring 2024) credits are not counted. Placement rounds will go in the following order, by class level:
    • Graduate Student
    • Senior: 90 or more credits
    • Junior: 60 – 89 credits
    • Sophomore: 30 – 59 credits
    • Freshmen: 0 – 29 credits
  • Do Not contact the Office of University Housing in regards to where you were placed once the week of renewal is over. All students will receive their placement via email in July. We will not respond to any email inquiries about placement.

Waitlist Procedure

  • If you receive your placement in July, and did not get your building of choice, you may then email a Waitlist Form to
  • We will not accept waitlist forms for a different room number within the same building you were assigned.
Housing Renewal Tips and Reminders
  • Download all of the forms you will need to your computer and save them.
  • Any forms submitted before your assigned date will not be accepted.
  • Once your forms are submitted, they will be numbered with your place in line. This is the order in which Housing will assign your room.
  • Once you have emailed your forms, DO NOT reply to that email or you may lose your place in line. If you need to add something or have a question, send a separate email.
  • Single rooms are not available unless you have a pre-approved accommodation from the Office of Disability Services prior to Housing Renewal.
  • All returning students will receive their placement via their LTU email in July. DO NOT contact the Housing Office prior to this for your placement. Inquiries regarding placement before placement emails are sent out will not be answered.
  • Upperclassmen move-in will be August 24th and 25th.
  • To live in University Housing, you must be a registered full-time student, and must maintain the proper amount of credits throughout the semester.

Each student is responsible and required for reading the Housing Guidelines at the beginning of each school year to inform them on any changes in housing. They can be located here.

Available Floors for Returning Students
Note: All rooms in all buildings are available except RA Rooms, which are listed below.
Do not request a room with one of these numbers on your Room and Roommate Preference Form.
Donley HallRA Rooms are the 07s and 16s.
Reuss HallRA Rooms are the 108s and 201s.
South HallRA Rooms are the 04s and 10s

Please review the floor plans of each building to request a specific room.

Roommate Information
  • Each roommate must complete their own Housing Application, but only one roommate within a room should email all of the applications and forms on their assigned day or the day of the roommate with the highest class status.
  • If one of your roommates lived off campus this year, they can still submit an application during housing renewal week. Please be sure to include them on your application and the Roommate Request and Room Preference Form.
  • You should place your desired roommates on your housing application.
  • You and your roommates only need to submit one Roommate Request and Room Preference Form. Make sure you discuss potential room numbers with your roommates.
  • If you don’t have a roommate, you should still fill out the Roommate Request and Room Preference Form to secure your specific building and room number preferences.
    If you don’t have a roommate, please submit a Roommate Survey. Even if you have submitted one in the past, we ask that you resubmit a new form each year during Renewal.

Rooms Occupied by residents who are over and under 21

  • Rooms that occupy students where one or more residents are 21 or older and at least one or more is younger than 21 are permitted.
  • Rooms with mixed ages must be agreed upon and mutually requested by all roommates involved, and they must turn in the Alcohol & Roommate Policy and Contract form during the first week of the Fall semester. You will receive the form from your Resident Assistant.
  • This policy is in place to ensure that all residents of the room understand and agree to the University Student Code of Conduct and University Housing Guidelines alcohol policies.

Co-Ed and Over Occupied Apartments

  • In order to request this, all students must agree and mutually request the same roommates and turn in the Co-Ed Policy form or the Over Occupancy Policy form at Housing Renewal.
  • Co-ed living and over occupied apartments are allowed on any returning student floor in both buildings.
  • Each apartment/room must be filled to maximum capacity at all times for co-ed rooms. If at any time someone moves out of a co-ed apartment, it is the responsibility of the existing roommates to find a new roommate. If you are unable to do so, the apartment will be converted back to single gender and the Office of University Housing may reassign you to another space.
  • The Office of University Housing would never place a student into a co-ed living apartment unless it was mutually agreed upon by all of the roommates.
  • There are no discounts for over occupied rooms.


  • During housing renewal, the consolidation policy will be in effect. All rooms will be filled to capacity during housing renewal.
  • If you do not have enough roommates to fill your preferred room, you will receive an assigned random roommate.
Official Room Assignment Notification
  • If you receive your placement in July and did not get your building of choice, you may then email a Waitlist Form to
  • We will not accept waitlist forms for a different room number within the same building you were assigned.
  • The Office of University Housing makes every attempt to keep you in the room that you signed into during housing renewal. However, sometimes a need arises that necessitates your reassignment.
  • You will receive notification by mail or email by mid to late July of your room assignment for the fall. Be sure to check your email over the summer for important information about your housing assignment.
Contract Cancellation

Should you desire to cancel your housing contract once you submit it, please be advised of the following: 

  • Approved cancellations before July 31st will receive a full refund and no cancellation fee. However, you will forfeit your housing deposit.
  • Approved cancellations after August 1st until the day before classes begin, will receive a full refund but will be assessed a $250 cancellation fee and will forfeit your housing deposit.
  • Approved cancellations after the first day of classes will be assessed a $500 cancellation fee and will forfeit your housing deposit and will be refunded according to the refund schedule.
  • Please read the terms and conditions of the application and contract carefully.

More information regarding contract cancellations can be found here.

» Document Viewer

Use Your Cell Phone as a Document Camera in Zoom

  • What you will need to have and do
  • Download the mobile Zoom app (either App Store or Google Play)
  • Have your phone plugged in
  • Set up video stand phone holder

From Computer

Log in and start your Zoom session with participants

From Phone

  • Start the Zoom session on your phone app (suggest setting your phone to “Do not disturb” since your phone screen will be seen in Zoom)
  • Type in the Meeting ID and Join
  • Do not use phone audio option to avoid feedback
  • Select “share content” and “screen” to share your cell phone’s screen in your Zoom session
  • Select “start broadcast” from Zoom app. The home screen of your cell phone is now being shared with your participants.

To use your cell phone as a makeshift document camera

  • Open (swipe to switch apps) and select the camera app on your phone
  • Start in photo mode and aim the camera at whatever materials you would like to share
  • This is where you will have to position what you want to share to get the best view – but you will see ‘how you are doing’ in the main Zoom session.