
Lawrence Technological University is now a smoke-free campus. Smoking is prohibited in all university owned or operated campuses, grounds and vehicles, including the Detroit Center for Design + Technology in Midtown and the athletic field on 10 Mile Road. The policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, contractors, vendors and visitors. The only exception is LTU’s Enterprise Center on the northwest edge of campus. Smoking in privately-owned vehicles is still permitted. 

The burning of a lighted cigarette, cigar, or any other substance that contains a tobacco product is prohibited within residence halls. Any apparatus or paraphernalia (hookahs, electric cigs, pipes or vaporizers) that is used for smoking is also prohibited.

Smoking is not allowed in common areas or balconies. A $200 cleaning fine will be charged to the occupants of a room in which individuals are smoking. Residents or guests found in violation of the smoking policy may be subject to disciplinary action.


As outlined by the Drug Enforcement Agency, as well as Section C of the Student Code of Conduct, possession, use, manufacturing, or distribution of the following on University property (including the residence halls), except as expressly permitted by federal law, is prohibited:

  • Illegal drugs (i.e. marijuana, heroin, narcotics, or other controlled substances)
  • Prescription drugs
  • Drug paraphernalia (i.e. pipes, bongs, hookahs, scales, grinders, vaporizers, electronic smoking devices)
  • Odor of marijuana or other drugs

Campus Safety will be called to investigate and contact the appropriate government authority if local, state, or federal laws have been violated.

Items may be confiscated by University Housing staff or Campus Safety. It will be up to the discretion of University Housing to determine if the items are returned to the original owner. 

Those present in a room where the drug policy has been violated (even if not personally violating University policy and/or state laws) will be subject to disciplinary action up to termination from housing or removal from the University, as well as referral to the appropriate government authority.

Medicinal & Recreational Marijuana

Although many states (Michigan included) have passed laws legalizing medicinal and/or recreational marijuana, all forms of marijuana continue to be illegal under federal law. Federal law supersedes state law: as a result, institutions are not obligated to accommodate users of medical marijuana in residence halls, on campus, or otherwise. LTU does not allow the use or possession of marijuana in any form, including but not limited to edibles, oils, wax, vape cartridges, etc. on campus to comply with federal law.