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Home » Research » Events and Competitions » Research Day
The Annual Research Day and Presidential Colloquium promote the scholarly engagement of faculty and students in order to support the highest quality educational experience for Lawrence Tech students, and to celebrate and promote a culture of research at Lawrence Tech.
This is a free event, but we do require you to register. Registration will be available soon.
Thomas J. Sommer
Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations
Office of Economic Development
8:00-9:00 Continental Breakfast
9:00-9:15 Opening Remarks
9:15-10:15 Keynote Address: Galip Ulsoy
University of Michigan Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
C.D. Mote Jr. Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
William Clay Ford Professor Emeritus of Manufacturing
Deputy Director, NSF Engineering Research Center for Reconfigurable Machining Systems
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-10:45 Recognition: Joongsub Kim
Lawrence Tech Professor, Department of Architecture, CoAD
10:45-11:45 Presidential Colloquium: Philip Plowright
Lawrence Tech Department Chair and Professor, Department of Design, CoAD
12:00 Buffet Lunch: Atrium
12:00-14:00 Poster Presentations: Atrium
12:30-14:30 Humanities@LTU Symposium: M311
14:00-15:00 NAI Meeting: M336
15:00-17:00 Oral Presentations: M209, M213, M218, M310, M311
Invited High School Student
Rishi Chowdhury, High School Diploma Candidate, Northville High School Reflections of Hydro pollution on Moina brachiata
Undergraduate Student
Abigail Bolley, BSIT Candidate, CoBIT; Yousif Haddad, BSIT Candidate, CoBIT; Christopher Atkinson, DBA, CoBIT Team Green Energy
Alaina Smythe, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Addie Nagel, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS Cancer Case Rates in the United States: Correlations and Predictions
Alissultan Amankos, Guest Student, CoAS; Batyr Kenzheakhmetov, Guest Student, CoAS; CJ Chung, Ph.D., Professor, CoAS Deep Learning-Based Identification of Dermatological Issues in Facial Skin
Alyssa Redge, BS Chemistry Candidate, CoAS; Madison Armstrong, BS Biology Candidate, CoAS; Dingqiang (Bruce) Zhang, Pre-med Candidate, CoHS; Irfana Muqbil, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CoAS Investigating Potential E3 Ligase Inhibitors in Skeletal Muscle Atrophy
Anabelle Acluche, BS Nursing Candidate, CoHS; Shereen Patten, MSN, RN, ACNP-BC, CCRN, ACHPN, Adjunct Faculty, CoHS Using the CEASE Checklist to Reduce the Effects of Alarm Fatigue in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit
Ashley Bogin, BS Nursing Candidate, CoHS; Shereen Patten, MSN, RN, ACNP-BC, CCRN, ACHPN, Adjunct Faculty, CoHS Improving Communication Between the Emergency Department and Floor 5C
Axel Itech Apolonio Flores, Guest Student, UAE Mexico; Maria Fernanda Pichardo Perez, Guest Student, UAE Mexico; CJ Chung, Ph.D., Professor, CoAS Exploring Coding with AI for MathDance
Brandon Kreuter, BS Data Science Candidate, CoAS; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS Predicting Future Weather Patterns: Boston, MA
Brandon Kreuter, BS Data Science Candidate, CoAS; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS Charging Ahead: Forecasting and Optimizing EV Infrastructure
Carly A. Palonis, BS Molecular & Cell Biology Candidate, CoAS; Julie Zwiesler-Vollick Ph.D., Associate Professor, CoAS Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) by High Resolution Melt Curve Analysis
Carly A. Palonis, BS Molecular & Cell Biology Candidate, CoAS; Julie Zwiesler-Vollick Ph.D., Associate Professor, CoAS Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) by High Resolution Melt Curve Analysis
Chris Matchinski, BS Information Technology Candidate, CoBIT; Brandon Foster, BS Information Technology Candidate, CoBIT; Christopher Atkinson, DBA, CoBIT Parallel Collision Warning System
Connor Mulholland, BS Computer Science Candidate; Paula Lauren, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CoAS Exploring Generative A.I. for Addressing Class Imbalance in Cognitive Distortion Predictive Models
Cooper Julson, BS Mathematical Sciences Candidate, CoAS; Luke Schafer, BS Mathematical Sciences Candidate, CoAS; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS Housing Sales in Connecticut in Relation to The 2023 Housing Crisis
Corey Tobolski, BS Data Science Candidate, CoAS; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS Forecasting the Future of Tesla, Inc.: Insights for Investors and Executives
Corey, Tobolski, BS Data Science Candidate, CoAS; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS Deep Learning Analysis of Medical Images: Enhancing Medical Imaging Insights for Improved Health care Outcomes.
Dingqiang (Bruce) Zhang, Pre-Med Candidate, CoAS; Irfana Muqbil, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CoAS Resveratrol a Novel Therapeutic Agent against Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors
Dominic Catenacci, BS Mechanical Engineering Candidate, COE; Vernon Fernandez, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE; Badih Jawad, Ph.D., Department Chair and Professor, COE Investigation of the Effects of Wakes on a Small Scale 3D Printed Trailing Wind Turbine Model
Elijah Nemr, BS Electrical and Computer Engineering Candidate, COE; George Pappas, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Director MSAI, COE Exploring a CMOS Memristor Emulator Circuit for Improved Educational Access
Ellen Forsgren, BS Technological Humanities Candidate, CoAS; Corey Bohil, Ph.D., Professor, CoAS Distance in Extended Reality
Ellen Forsgren, BS Technological Humanities Candidate, CoAS; Hamad Al-Azary, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CoAS Typeface and Word Concreteness
Eric Zayler, BS Undeclared Major Candidate, CoAS; Hamad Al-Azary, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CoAS Exploring BERT’s Metaphor Understanding Ability’s
Erin McCardell, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Blayne Young, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Luis Pachecho, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; John Peponis, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, COE Epilepsy Detection Device
Ethan Harkins, BS Computer Science Candidate, CoAS; Noah Pultorak, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS Analysis of Cancer Rates in New York
Gracie Mitchell, BSN Candidate, CoHS; Shereen Patten, MSN, RN, ACNP-BC, ACHPN, CCRN, Adjunct Faculty, CoHS Implementing a Turn Team to Prevent Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries
Grady Holmes, BS Mechanical Engineering Candidate, COE; Bartosz Rauch, BS Mechanical Engineering Candidate, COE; Gaurav Singh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, COE 3D Printing of Soft Pneumatic Actuators for Robotic Grasping
Guillermo Garcia de Celis Rodriguez, BS Data Science Candidate, CoAS; Corey Tobolski, BS Data Science Candidate, CoAS; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS Exploring the Dynamics of US Obesity Rates: Predictive Modeling & Influential Factors
Guillermo Garcia de Celis Rodriguez, BS Data Science Candidate, CoAS; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS Evaluating Cryptocurrencies as Modern Haven Assets
Haley Bommarito, BS Nursing Candidate, CoHS; Shereen Patten, MSN, RN, ACNP-BC, ACHPN, CCRN, Adjunct Faculty, CoHS Improving Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Delirium
Hongdezibieke Ayijiang, Guest Student, CoAS; CJ Chung, Ph.D., Professor, CoAS AI-driven Facial Authentication: Real versus AI-generated Image Detection
Jade Faris, BS Nursing Candidate, CoHS; Shereen Patten, MSN, RN, ACNP-BC, CCRN, ACHPN, Adjunct Faculty, CoHS Non pharmacological Pain Management in the Emergency Department
JaJuan Jones, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Austin Thomas, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Nathan Strnad, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Yawen Li, Ph.D., Department Chair and Associate Professor, BME, COE Modified Pulse Oximeter Device
Jenna Wright, BS Nursing Candidate; Shereen Patten, MSN, RN, ACNP-BC, CCRN, ACHPN, Adjunct Faculty, CoHS Decreasing Burnout in ER Nurses
J’saun Jackson BSN Candidate, CoHS; Shereen Patten, MSN, RN, ACNP-BC, ACHPN, CCRN, Adjunct Faculty, CoHS; Margaret M. Glembocki, DNP, RN, ACNP-BC, CSC, FAANP, Assistant Professor, CoHS Using Aromatherapy to Treat Anxiety
Keith Kolaczyk, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Hao Jiang, Assistant Professor, COE Photometric Detection and Characterization of Electronic Cigarette Aerosols
Keith Nemecek, BSEE Candidate, COE; Floyd Frandsen, BSEE Candidate, COE; Guang-Chong Zhu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CoAS A Fascinating Journey in Exploring Quaternions
Luke E. Hudy, BS Physics Candidate, CoAS; Christopher J. Mackenzie, BS Mechanical Engineering Candidate, CoE; Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya, Ph.D., Associate Professor, CoAS Computer Analysis of B Decay Anomalies
Mackenzie Zakaria, BS Nursing Candidate, CoHS; Shereen Patten, MSN, RN, ACNP-BC, CCRN, ACHPN, Adjunct Faculty, CoHS Lowering Fall Incident Rates in an Intensive Care Unit
Makena White, BS Computer Science Candidate, CoAS; Annalia Schoenherr, BS Computer Science Candidate, CoAS; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS Understanding Data Breaches and Providing Support Using Data Science
Meaghan Rivera, BSN Candidate, CoHS; Shereen Patten, MSN, RN, ACNP-BC, ACHPN, CCRN, Adjunct Faculty, CoHS Mindfulness and Resilience for Improving the Mental Health of Nurses
Miguel Aguirre del Valle, BS Robotics Engineering Candidate, CoE; Guang-Chong Zhu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CoAS Singular Value Decomposition with Applications in Finance
Nicholas Muccioli, BS Electrical Engineering Candidate, COE; George Pappas, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, MSAI Director, COE Utilization of AI in Predictive and Prescriptive Maintenance in the Manufacturing Field
Nicholas Olsen, BSN Student, CoHS; Shereen Patten, MSN, RN, ACNP-BC, ACHPN, CCRN, Adjunct Faculty, CoHS Improving Compliance to Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) Prevention Measures in the Medical Intensive Care Unit
Pol Jarne Cupons, BS Physics/Math Candidate, CoAS; Scott Schneider, Ph.D., Associate Professor, CoAS Analysis of planetary gravity boosts and delta-V thrusts on spacecraft trajectories in the Solar System
Presley Dupuie, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Addie Nagel, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Noah Pultorak, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Michaela Walkowski, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Hao Jiang, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE; Juan Jaramillo, BS, Technical Advisor, COE; John Peponis, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, COE Respiratory Accessory Wearable Reader
Psychology Students: Abdullah Alasmari; Anna Keup; Madison Armstrong; Noam Nedivi; William Shall; Abbey Carnicom; Alain Dauphin; Artisan Kyles; Asher Magness; Cavan Burpee; Chassidy Van Fleet; Emily Lev; Gianna Magnoli; Garrett McNamara; Melanie Riedel; Nikolaus Marshall; Olivia Neuenschwander; Owen Molloy; Zachary Meier; Advisor: Franco Delogu, Ph.D., Associate Professor, CoAS Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Media Engagement: A Comparison between Two Countries
Psychology Students: Maliea May; Jacqueline Albo; William Ng; Julian Pearson; Curtis Maxwell; Aniya Adams; Carlo Bernardini; Advisor: Franco Delogu, Ph.D., Associate Professor, CoAS Using Cloud Computing to Measure Volumetric Variations in the Human Brain
Quinn Perdue, BSN Candidate, CoHS; Shereen Patten, MSN, RN, ACNP-BC, ACHPN, CCRN, Adjunct Faculty, CoHS Fall Prevention: The Hourly Rounding Lens
Rana Almardaie, BS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Ahad Ali, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE Enhancing Performance in Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication Systems through Lean Tools
Robert Gjura, BS Architecture Candidate, CoAD; Asal Beshoory, Ph.D., Adjunct Faculty, CoAS Roller Coasters and Derivatives
Ryan Kaddis, BS Computer Science Candidate, CoAS; Griffin Davies, BS Computer Science Candidate, CoAS; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS Evaluating Infrastructure Preparedness for Electric Vehicles
Samantha Seifert, BA in Chemistry, CoAS; Rich Robinson-Sanabria, MA in English, Instructor, CoAS; Paul Jaussen, Ph.D., Associate Professor, CoAS Frankenstein in the STEM University: Student Responses to Literature in the Core Curriculum
Sophia Buckberger, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Keith Kolaczyk, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Gabrielle Pryor, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Eric Meyer, Ph.D., Associate Professor Director, Experimental Biomechanical Laboratory Director, Wearable Technology Innovation Center, COE Healthcare Worker Safety
Tyler Les, BSME Candidate, COE; Choongbae Park, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, COE Development of an At Home Microscope
Urmi Salam, BSN Candidate CoHS; Shereen Patten, MSN, RN, ACNP-BC, ACHPN, CCRN, Adjunct Faculty CoHS; Margaret Glembocki, DNP, RN, ACNP-BC, CSC, SANE-A, FAANP, Assistant Professor, CoHS Fall Prevention in Hospitalized Patients
Vivian Horvath, BS Computer Science Candidate, CoAS; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS Predicting Bridge Structural Evaluations using Long Short-Term Memory Networks on Sequential Inspection Data
William Ng, BS Computer Science Candidate, CoAS; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS Analysis of Video Game Genre Sales Across the World
William Shall, BS Chemistry Candidate, CoAS; Dingqiang Zhang, Premedical Studies Certificate Candidate, CoAS; Irfana Muqbil, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CoAS; Shannon C. Timmons, Ph.D., Associate Professor, CoAS Synthesis, Purification, and Computational Evaluation of Aspirin Analogs for Anticancer Activity
Graduate Student
Ahmed Al-Bayati, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, COE; Salman Alanazy, Ph.D Student, COE Review the Factors and Measures of Corruption in the Construction Industry
Alina Osnaga, MArch. Candidate, CoAD; Joongsub Kim, Ph.D., Professor, CoAD Understanding the Implementation of Public Interest Design Framework: Empowerment Through Collaboration
Aravind Undavalli, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Sai Trinath Velpula, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Evelyn Roen, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Ahad Ali, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE Utilizing the Six-Sigma DMAIC Methodology to Minimize Defects in Car Door Trim
Ashish Rameshbhai Deriya, MSCS Candidate, CoAS; Urvashiben Thakkar, MSCS Candidate, CoAS; Yesha Sureshbhai Patel, MSCS Candidate, CoAS; Uha Ratna Sudha Achanti, MSCS Candidate, CoAS; Prem Kumar Jami, MSCS Candidate, CoAS; CJ Chung, Ph.D., Professor, CoAS Fingerprint Identification and Commonality Analysis Using Deep Learning
Aves Abdul, MS Business Data Analytics Candidate, GRA, CoBIT; Matthew Cole, Ph.D., Interim Dean and Associate Professor, CoBIT Visual Analytics of Data Using PowerBI
Ayesha Begum, MS Industrial Engineering, COE; Ahad Ali, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE Six Sigma Approach in Health Care Services and Quality Improvement
Chenna Kesava Karthik Arava, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Shivasai Bodige, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Syed Wasay Hussain, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Ahad Ali, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE Minimizing Different Types of Wastage in Book Manufacturing Process And Improving Productivity Using Six Sigma DMAIC
Chenna Kesava Karthik Arava, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Shivasai Bodige, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Syed Wasay Hussain, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Ahad Ali, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE Testing French Fries and Acrylamide for Mutagenicity
Fahad M. Sharique, MSIE Candidate, COE; Nithin K. Aili, MSIE Candidate, COE; Sibin. M, MSIE Candidate, COE; Ahad Ali, Ph.D. Associate Professor, COE Process Improvement Of An Electrical Ground Nut Securing Operation In An Assembly Plant Using Six Sigma
Harsh V. Ekambe, MS in Computer Science Candidate, CoAS; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS Applied Machine Learning on children Facial Images to detect autism
Jaivik Rami, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Dheeraj Karnati, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Sandeep Naragoni, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Ahad Ali, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE The Improvement of Yield in solar photovoltaic module manufacturing
Joe Puranen, MSIE Candidate, COE; Mohammed Omar Ali, MSIE Candidate, COE; Mohammed Idris Syed MSIE Candidate, COE; Ahad Ali, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE Optimizing Solder Production to Reduce Defects and Enhance Quality Using Six Sigma
Kalyan Naik Vankudothu, MSCS Candidate, CoAS; Rakesh Kethavath, MSCS Candidate, CoAS; Hemanth Indurthi Venkata, MSCS Candidate, CoAS; Siri Sri Churakanti, MSCS Candidate, CoAS; CJ Chung, Ph.D., Professor, CoAS Exploring Fingerprint Individuality and Commonalities: Deep Learning Insights
Keerthana Mahalingam, MS Information Technology Candidate, CoBIT; Areej Salaymeh, Assistant Professor, CoBIT Unveiling Housing Insights: Exploring Community Feedback Using the Apriori Algorithm
Komal Gurrala, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Ramesh Babu Munagala, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Naveen Burra, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Ahad Ali, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE Utilizing Six Sigma to Enhance Muffler Quality
Mohamad Dhaniy, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Thallapally Abhishek Raj, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Prateek Kavvampalli, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Ahad Ali, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE Utilization of the Six-Sigma Methodology to Reduce Variation in Resistance Spot Welding.
Mohammed Khizar Ali Ansari, MS Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation candidate, COE; Gaurav Singh, Assistant Professor, COE Finite Element Simulation of Periodic Truss and Beam Structures with Internal Member Actuation
Mubarak Aldossari, Doctoral of Philosophy Civil Engineering, COE; Nishantha Bandara, Ph.D., Associate Professor Director – Lawrence Tech. Transportation Institute (LTTI) Director – Concrete Technology & Management Program (CTM), COE Traffic Safety Effects of Automated Speed Enforcement
Nathan Pham, MSCS Candidate, CoAS; CJ Chung, Ph.D., Professor, CoAS Pioneering Intrusion Detection in Vehicles with Deep Learning Techniques
Nathan Pham, MS Computer Science Candidate, CoAS; Percy Fowler IV, BS Computer Science Candidate, CoAS Advance in Computer Science: Shape the Next ISACA Competition with Innovation and Tech Expertise!
Neel Patel, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Ahmed Mohammed Maqdoom, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Sai Krishna Chaitanya Kuppuru, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Ahad Ali, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE Enhancing Quality for Red and White Wines
Pavan Sandeep Paravada, MS Information Technology Candidate, CoBIT; Areej Salaymeh, Assistant Professor, CoBIT Adaptive Traffic Control: SARSA Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Urban Mobility
Priyatham Chadalawade, MS in Computer Science Candidate, CoAS; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS The Behavior of Omicron variant on Adults Vs Children
Ritu Yadav, MS Business Data analytics Candidate, CBIT; Saipavan Nagula, MS Business Data analytics Candidate, CBIT ; Harshavardhan Paritala, MS Business Data analytics Candidate, CBIT; Abul Aves, MS Business Data analytics Candidate, CBIT; Mazin Al Hamando, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS Comparative Sentiment Analysis: A Case Study with Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression using ChatGPT Tweet
Rup Kiran Boyana, MS Business Data Analytics Candidate, CoBIT; Areej Salaymeh, Assistant Professor, CoBIT Insights into Road Safety: A Study of Holland City’s Crash Trends
Saranya Aluru, MS Engineering Management Candidate, COE; Snehal Arun Barge, MS Industrial Engineering Candidate, COE; Ahad Ali, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE Implementing a Six Sigma Strategy for Scrap Reduction and Improving Sigma Level in Battery Manufacturing
Scott Shall RA, Associate Professor, CoAD; John Lucente, M.Arch Candidate, CoAD Improving Affordable Housing Through Computational Design
Sean Kill, MSCS Candidate, CoAS; Travis Bowman, BSRE Candidate, CoE; Aaron Wisneski, BSCS Candidate, CoAS; Devson Butani, MSCS Candidate, CoAS; Ryan Kaddis, BSCS Candidate, CoAS; CJ Chung, Ph.D., Professor, CoAS A Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Based Yolo Models in Object Detection for Autonomous Vehicles and the Development of a Unified Model
Valeria Ortega, Masters in Engineering Management Candidate, COE; Advait Muley, Masters in Engineering Management Candidate, COE; Ahad Ali, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE Improving Operations Efficiency at the LTU Athletics Field House
Vikalp Vinod Chaubey, MS in Information Technology Candidate, CoBIT; Kioumars Paryani, Ph.D., Adjunct Faculty, CoBIT Leadership A Holistic Approach
Xinrui Li, MS Computer Science Candidate, CoAS; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS Detailed Analysis From Hero DMC Heart Institute
Yeen K. Lee, MS in Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Candidate, COE; Gaurav Singh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, COE Integrating Soft Origami and EEG Robotics for Enhanced Movement Assistance
Annalia Schoenherr, CoAS; Ira Carter, CoAS; Stephen Arnold, CoAS; Giovanni DeRose, CoAS; Nathan Pham, CoAS; Paula Lauren, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CoAS; Franco Delogu, Ph.D., Associate Professor, CoAS; Professor Shannan Palonis, CoAS, Robofest; Professor Elmer Santos, CoAS, Robofest; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Practice, CoAS; Patrick Nelson, Ph.D., Professor and Dean, CoAS; Sibrina Collins, Ph.D., Associate Professor, CoAS Hidden Figures No More: LTU Launches Mathematics and Computer Science Program for High School Girls
Aviva Gordon, Ph.D., Adjunct Faculty, CoAS; Matthew Cole, Ph.D., Interim Dean and Associate Professor, CoBIT Psychometric Properties of the Virtual Interpersonal Nonverbal Immediacy (VINI) Scale
Balakumar Muniandi, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Practice, COE Bidirectional Charger for Electric Vehicles
Bruce Pell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CoAS; Tin Phan, Ph.D., Los Alamos National Laboratory; Samantha J. Brozak, Applied Mathematics Ph.D. student, Arizona State University; Fuqing Wu, Ph.D., The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston; Yang Kuang, Ph.D., Arizona State University Making Waves: Integrating Wastewater Surveillance with Dynamic Modeling to Track and Predict Viral Outbreaks
Changgong Zhou, Ph.D., CoAS; Peter Snider, BS Physics Candidate, CoAS Study of the Interaction Forces on Laser Illuminated Aerosols
Christopher Atkinson, DBA, CoBIT; INT 4303 Students: Abigail Bolley, Brandon Foster, Yousif Haddad, Chris Matchinski, Shamar Mathews AI Autonomous Vehicle Project
Elin Jensen, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE; Keith Kowalkowski, Ph.D., PE, SE, Associate Professor, COE; Mamdouh Mohamed, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, COE; Morteza Nazari-Heris, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, COE; Edmund Yuen, Ph.D., PE, Associate Professor, COE; Integrating Sustainability across Civil & Architectural Engineering Curricula
Francesco Pontieri, MsC in Mechanical Engineering, Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna, Italy; Curzio Pagliari, Ph.D. Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna, Italy; Ahad Ali, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE Design and Implementation of a Virtual Engineering Workspace for Automotive Design
Jared Pemberton, BS Civil Engineering Candidate, CoAS; David A. Rubel, BS Mathematics and Computer Science, CoAS; Matthew D. Johnston, Ph.D., Associate Professor, CoAS; Bruce Pell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CoAS The Effect of Vaccination on the Competitive Advantage of Two Strains of an Infectious Disease
Liping Liu, Ph.D., Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, CoE; John Peponis, MS, Assistant Professor of Practice, CoE Research 101 – What is Research & What Do I Need To Succeed?
Lorenzo Pecoraro, Student, Università di Bologna; Curzio Pagliari, Ph.D., Università di Bologna; Ahad Ali, Associate Professor & Director of Industrial Engineering, COE Innovative approach for long distance truck design
Masataka Yoshikawa, Assistant Professor of Architecture, CoAD; Sara Codarin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Architecture, CoAD; Shaikha Al-khazim, Graduate Research Assistant, CoAD Fabricated Combines
Mohammad EL Yabroudi, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, COE; Nabih Jaber, Ph.D., Department Chair and Associate Professor, COE; George Pappas, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Director, MSAI graduate program, COE; Sri Harsha, MSECE Candidate, COE USA Based Advanced Traffic Signs Dataset and Recent Detection Methods Evaluation
Mohammad S. Pervez, Ph.D., Adjunct Faculty, COE A Low Cost, Multi-Band- Multi Technology(MBMT) Antenna( 77GHz Radar, 5G & Bluetooth)for Automotive Applications
Rania Krayem, DPAS candidate, M.Ed., M.S., PA-C, Assistant Professor, Clinical Education Director PA Program, CoHS; Charles Regan, M.S., PA-C, PA Program Director, CoHS Improving Clinical Experiences for PA Students during Clinical Year Rotations
Sara Codarin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Architecture, CoAD 3D-models-to-2D-[AI]images
Sara Codarin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Architecture, CoAD; Karl Daubmann, Dean and Professor, CoAD Labor in the Age of AI
Suzanne Cleere, DNP, MSBA, CC, Assistant Professor, CoHS; Chantol Aspinall, BSN, CoHS Deepening Authenti Therapeutic Relationships: Impact of Developing Relational Competencies in Student Nurses and Long Term Sustainment
Sydul Karim, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CoBIT The Effects of Political Risk on Corporate Compliance Violation
Tao Liu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CoAS Smart-ISP: Real-Time Intelligent Hyperparameter Optimization for Image Signal Processor
Yelena Vaynberg, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, CoAS; Luke Radu, BS Industrial Design Candidate, CoAD; Collin Pellerito, BS Industrial Design Candidate, CoAD; Alex Grove, BA Media Com Candidate, CoAS Golden Ratio in Art and Architecture
Room M209, Chair: Elin Jensen
Henry Rogers, BS Civil Engineering Candidate, COE; Yifei Ma, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, COE A Novel Three-Dimensional Contact Model for Simulating Granular Flow in Humid
Adam Rebecca, MSArE Candidate, COE; Deok-Oh Woo, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, COE An Energy Efficiency Analysis of UVC Application in Air Handling Unit
Elin Jensen, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE Assessment of Student Learning using Mind Maps
Ahu Yolaç, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CoAD; Julia Kiernan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CoAS Enacting Sustainability and Stewardship across Technological Landscapes
Suzanne Cleere, DNP, MSBA, CC, Assistant Professor, CoHS Re-Imagining the Relationship-Based Care Conceptual Framework for Academia: A Student Centered Model for Authentic Learning
Room M213, Chair: Eric Meyer
Hao Jiang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, COE Aerosol Sensing for Health: Optical Detection of Ultrafine Particles and Electronic Cigarette Aerosols
Eric Meyer, Ph.D., Associate Professor Director, Experimental Biomechanical Laboratory, COE Using Simulation-Based Active Learning and Course-Based Research Experiences to Motivate Student Engagement, Technical Concepts, Laboratory Skills and Teamwork
Elijah Nemr, BS Electrical and Computer Engineering Candidate, COE; George Pappas, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Director MSAI, COE Exploring a CMOS Memristor Emulator Circuit for Improved Educational Access
Zachary Lundy, BSBA Candidate, CoBIT; Pavlo Tsebro, Ph.D., Associate Professor, CoBIT Covered Calls Strategy: Case for the Leveraged ETF
David Mitchell, BMS Architectural Engineering Candidate, COE; Guang-Chong Zhu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CoAS The Nature of Fractals
Room M310:
1st Annual Earth Day 2024 Interdisciplinary Student Oral Paper Presentations, Advisor an Chair: Ty Faulkner
Aaron Mitchell, Computer Science- Cybersecurity Sound Pollution
Alex Osman, General Business Unveiling Environmental Hazards: How Businesses Contribute to Pollution
Ali Almatar, Computer Engineering The Environmental Impact of the Computer Engineering Industry: A Path Towards Sustainable Innovation
Allison Johnson, Technical Humanities Superfund Site Pollution and its Effects on Student Learning
Anthony Lack, Mechanical Engineering Polluting Our Air: An Analysis of Vehicular Pollution
Anthony Grossi, Mechanical Engineering Visual Pollution in the Transportation Industry
Cameron McEvans, General Business Methane Gas Within Bovine(cow) Animals and its Pollution Affect
Carter Dixon, Civil Engineering The Environmental Impact of Civil Engineering
Eric Shackleton, Audio Engineering Technology Reducing the Waste of Precious Earth Metals Through Recycling Circuit Boards
Evan Kellom, Audio Engineering Technology The Environmental Impact of Consumer Battery Pollution
George French, Biomedical Engineering Decreasing Single-Use Plastic Pollution in the Medical Field
Hannah Gibbons, BFA Graphic Design Behind the Screen: Digital Pollution Within Graphic Design
Holden Schalk, Mechanical Engineering Pollution Caused from 3D Printer Emissions
Jack Oliver, Mechanical Engineering Thermal Pollution: Addressing the Hidden Environmental Danger
Jake Knopf, Marketing How Does the Marketing Field Contribute to Pollution?
Jeff Rand, Const Engr Tech & Mgmt Dangers of PVC Plastic Pollution in the Construction Industry
John Berkhoudt, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Technology Tire’s Role in Our World’s Pollution Problems
Joshua Steely, General Business The Causes of Air Pollution in World of Entrepreneurship
Luke Hudy, Physics Methodology for Solving Light Pollution
Megan Rumija, Computer Engineering Pollution in Computer Engineering Industry
Michael Ruiz, General Business Concrete Pollution: Challenges and Solutions
Nick Dobson, Computer Engineering Microchip Construction Contributing to the Dispersal of Pollutants
Nicole Hughes, Psychology Embarking on Waste Generation in Clinical Psychology
Shannon Yousefzadeh-Khameneh, Media Arts and Production Lights, Camera, Sustainability: Exposing Pollution Trends in the Film Industry
Tate Wright, General Business Chemical Pollution Causing Danger in Lake Erie
Tony Calabrese, Mechanical Engineering Automotive Pollution: Effects and Solutions
Zach Brucki, Civil Engineering Lower CO2 Emissions – The Path to More Sustainable Concrete
Zachary Mead, Civil Engineering Cause and Effect: Water Pollution Within the Construction Industry
Room M311, Chair: James Mynderse
David Gruzwalski, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Candidate, COE; James Mynderse, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE Exploring the Impact of Bearing Design Parameters on Frequency Response-Based Preload Setting: Analytical Model Validation and Natural Frequency Sensitivity Analysis Update
Andrew Bartman, MS Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Candidate, COE; James Mynderse, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE Advancing Road Surface Profiling for Enhanced Vehicle Comfort and Performance: Integrating Multi-Axis Dynamics into CLARPS with Formula SAE Validation
Abdurahman Albaradi, Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Candidate, COE; James Mynderse, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE; Meng Zhou, Ph.D., Associate Professor, CoAS Characterization of Deposited Dust on PV Panels and Residual Dust After Cleaning with Electrostatic Devices
Roger Franzel II, BSRE, MRE Candidate, COE; James Mynderse, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE Applications of Machine Learning for Visual Inspection
Dane Morison, MS Mechatronic Systems Engineering Candidate, COE; James Mynderse, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE A Simulation Model for an Online Corrective Look-Ahead Road Profiling System (CLARPS) for Active Suspension Applications
2024 Keynote Speaker
Department Chair
Department of Design
College of Architecture + Design
2021 Keynote Speaker
Associate Professor
College of Arts + Sciences
2014 Keynote Speaker
Donald Carpenter
Associate Professor
College of Arts + Sciences
Jessica R. Clore, BS in Chemistry Candidate, CAS; William S. Shall, BS in Chemistry Candidate, CAS; Cole M. Higley, BS in Biology Candidate, CAS; Katelyn D. Waligora, BS in Biology Candidate, CAS; Aleksandra Kuzmanov, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CAS; Shannon C. Timmons, Ph.D., Associate Professor, CAS
Introduction and Application of Snell’s Law through a Computational Essay
Alanna Makarchuk, BS Computer Engineering Candidate, CAS; Bhujyo Bhattacharya, Ph.D., Associate Professor, CAS
The Untapped Potential of VR: Making VR Work for Us
Angela Ladd, BS Robotic Engineering Candidate, COE; Olga Aliagas, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Wisam Bukaita, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CAS
The Impact of Road Salt Application on Microbes in Soil and Water Samples from Southeast Michigan
Cassidy Wiest, BS in Molecular and Cell Biology Candidate, CAS; Julie Zwiesler-Vollick, Ph.D., Associate Professor, CAS
Rotating Light with Magnetic Fields
Luke Hudy, BS Physics Candidate, CAS; George Moschelli, Ph.D., Associate Professor, CAS
Automated Aerosol Collection and Characterization System for Vaping Aerosols
Keith Kolaczyk, BS Biomedical Engineering Candidate, COE; Hao Jiang, Assistant Professor, COE
Robotic Clay Printing
Sara Codarin, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CAD; Matthew DiMaggio, BS Arch Candidate, CAD; Anjelo Hana, BS Arch Candidate, CAD
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Optimizing Traffic Signal Timing
Areej Salaymeh, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CBIT
Incorporating Convolutional Neural Network into Visual Intelligence Assistant for Identifying Surgical Tools
Mostafa D. Rahbar, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, COE
IDLE: Intelligent Dark-Pattern Detection using Deep-Learning
Kim Lam, MSCS Candidate, CAS; Sydney Ross, MSCS Candidate, CAS; Tao Liu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, CAS
Investigation of Robotic Prosthetic Arm
Sydney Schmid, BS Robotics Engineering Candidate, COE; George Pappas, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, MSAI Director, COE
Application of Machine Learning Integrated with A Camera for Visual Inspection
Roger J. Franzel II, BS Robotics Engineering Candidate, COE; James Mynderse, Ph.D., Associate Professor, COE
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