At the culmination of the Spring semester, a significant event provided a glimpse into the future of architecture and design. SHOW LTU 2023, an exhibition showcasing works by 95 graduating students and 12 established alumni, opened at Lawrence Technological University’s campus with an Alumni & Industry Night on May 4 and a Family & Friends Reception on May 6. It was opened to the public from May 5th through May 7th.
Works included “Morphosis: Conceptual Center Console Design” by graduating industrial/product design student Sarah Adnan; architecture projects like “Building an Architecture of Non-Displacement” by Allyza Valino, who is completing her master’s degree at LTU; and Master of Architecture alumni work like Azubike Ononye’s “M1 Concourse Event Center.”
Event sponsors included: Albert Kahn Associates; Partners in Architecture; Frank Rewold & Sons; HED (Harley Ellis Devereaux); American Interiors; Detroit Architect LLC; the Mohawk Group; and LTU Office of Career Services.;
SHOW LTU 2023 highlights the work of the next generation of architects and designers through its commitment to LTU’s motto of “Theory and Practice.” The exhibition provides graduating students with a spotlight to showcase their work, grow professional networks, and mingle among noted industry practitioners. This marks the second year of the event being held on LTU’s campus, and the tradition will continue in the coming years.
Projects featured include: “The Museum of Pasta and Noodles and Carbs” by Evelyn Herrmann and “Madison Swarm: Sports Branding Model” by Nick Barrett
In discussing a feature of the SHOW LTU exhibition, CoAD Dean Karl Daubmann presented the online gallery, a component of the exhibition that serves as an archive of the student projects and a digital extension of the exhibition. “I am excited to introduce and share our new online gallery . This is not only a short-term mode of translating the traditional gallery show to an online format but a perpetual outlet to celebrate and share the work of our students.”