For Thursday 02/06/25, the campus will be closed until 12 noon today due to the severe weather. All classes scheduled after 12 noon will take place as scheduled. Students should check Canvas for details on classes.

Faculty + Staff

Associate Professor


  • PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
  • MS, Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University
  • BS, Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

Courses And Advising

Research Interests

  • Mechatronics and robotics
  • Hysteresis modeling and compensation
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
  • Additive manufacturing (laser sintering)

Selected Publications

  1. Trzeciak, J. and Mynderse, J. A., 2020. “Application of Goertzel Algorithm to Piezoresistive Pressure Sensing Fabric for Custom Fitting of Wheelchair Cushions”. ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control, 1(2). doi: 10.1115/1.4048934.
  2. Enzi, A., Mynderse, J. A., 2019. “Design and experimental validation of a small-scale prototype selective laser sintering system,” SN Applied Sciences, 1(1612), doi: 10.1007/s42452-019-1600-3.
  3. Curtis, A. B., Mynderse, J. A., and Vejdani, H., 2019. “Design of a Kangaroo Inspired Hopping Robot For Unrestricted Locomotion and Controller Development,” Proc. 2019 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, doi: 10.1115/DSCC2019-9083.
  4. Mynderse, J. A., Liu, L., Gerhart, A. L., Fletcher, R. W., Vejdani, H., Jing, W., and Yee, K., 2019. “Development of an Entrepreneurial Mindset within a Three- Semester Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design Sequence based on the SAE Collegiate Design Series”. 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
  5. Bowden, D. S. and Mynderse, J. A., 2019. “From Industry to the Classroom: A Low-Cost Hardware-In-Loop Simulator for Classic Controls Experiments”. 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
  6. Gennert, M. A., Lofti Yagin, N., Mynderse, J. A., Jethwani, M., and Kapila, V., 2019. “Work in Progress: Building the Mechatronics and Robotics Education Community”. 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
  7. Enzi, A., and Mynderse, J. A., 2017. “Optimization of process parameters applied to a prototype selective laser sintering system”. ASME 2017 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE2017.
  8. Mynderse, J. A., Shelton, J. N., and Gerhart, A. L., 2017. “Entrepreneurially minded learning in a semester-long senior/graduate mechatronic design project”. ASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference DSCC2017.
  9. Johns, M., Kamping, H., Krueger, K., Mynderse, J., and Riedel, C., 2016, “Setting differential pinion bearing preload using system stiffness as estimated by frequency response”. Proceedings of the SAE World Congress.
  10. Mynderse, J. A. and Chiu, G. T.-C., 2016, “Two Degree-of-Freedom Hysteresis Compensation for a Dynamic Mirror Actuator,” ASME/IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, 21(1), doi: 10.1109/TMECH.2015.2493038.
  11. Mynderse, J. A. and Chiu, G. T.-C., 2013, “Modeling of a dynamic mirror with antagonistic piezoelectric stack actuation,” Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 136(2), doi: 10.1115/1.4025671

Student Mentoring

  • Garett S. Patria, DEMS 2017, “Model-Based Systems Engineering Application to Analyze the Ground Vehicles and Robotics Sustainment Support Strategy”.
  • Abass M. J. Enzi, DEMS 2017, “Optimization of Process Parameters for Improved Part Quality Using a Selective Laser Sintering System”. 
  • Nicholas Hubbard, MSMSE 2022, “Development of a Baja SAE Data Acquisition System”.
  • David Bowden, MSMSE 2019, “Development of a Low Cost Hardware-In-Loop Simulator for Classical Controls Experiments”.
  • Justin Trzeciak, MSME 2019, “Design of an Automatically Adjusting Air Cell Cushion to Reduce the Risk of Pressure Sores in Wheelchair Users”.

Honors And Awards

  • 2020 KEEN Engineering Unleashed Fellowship
  • 2017 Henry B. and Barbara J. Horldt Excellence in Teaching Award
  • Faculty Research Seed Grant Award, Lawrence Technological University
  • Estus H. and Vashti L. Magoon Award for Excellence in Teaching, Purdue University
  • Laura Davidson Winkelman Fellowship, Purdue University
  • John M. Bruce Memorial Scholarship, Purdue University
  • Eagle Scout

Activities And Service

  • Member, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
  • Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
  • Member, Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)

» Document Viewer

Use Your Cell Phone as a Document Camera in Zoom

  • What you will need to have and do
  • Download the mobile Zoom app (either App Store or Google Play)
  • Have your phone plugged in
  • Set up video stand phone holder

From Computer

Log in and start your Zoom session with participants

From Phone

  • Start the Zoom session on your phone app (suggest setting your phone to “Do not disturb” since your phone screen will be seen in Zoom)
  • Type in the Meeting ID and Join
  • Do not use phone audio option to avoid feedback
  • Select “share content” and “screen” to share your cell phone’s screen in your Zoom session
  • Select “start broadcast” from Zoom app. The home screen of your cell phone is now being shared with your participants.

To use your cell phone as a makeshift document camera

  • Open (swipe to switch apps) and select the camera app on your phone
  • Start in photo mode and aim the camera at whatever materials you would like to share
  • This is where you will have to position what you want to share to get the best view – but you will see ‘how you are doing’ in the main Zoom session.