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Faculty + Staff

Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering; Director Experimental
Biomechanical Laboratory Director
Research Program Officer, Healthcare Violence Reduction Center

Meyer leads the LTU Experimental Biomechanics Laboratory (EBL) to provide practical training to engineering and premedical students and to advance the boundary of biomechanics knowledge through translational research and wearable technology design. To achieve these goals, he combines in vivo testing of human and animal subjects with cadaver and surrogate in vitro models and computer simulations to understand normal health, acute injury and degenerative mechanisms. Meyer enthusiastically cultivates collaborations with clinicians and the medical device industry to develop preventative and regenerative treatments for bone and soft tissue damage and disease. Recently, he has partnered with to develop a Wearable Technology Innovation Center (WTIC) that provides practical, hands-on experiences to students focused around the topics of sensing, perception, and control in next generation robotics, haptics, quantified-self, and protective devices.

Dr. Meyer has published one book chapter and 42 peer-reviewed journal and conference proceeding articles that have received more than 2250 peer citations. He has given more than 100 conference, workshop and invited presentations, including as the Presidential Colloquium speaker for the 2023 Lawrence Technological University Research Day and as a panel member for recent Humanities + Technology topics such as “AI and the Future of Education”. Working with Dr. Salah Huwais, a practicing Periodontist, inventor and founder of Versah LLC they presented and published a seminal biomechanical validation study of Osseodensification, in the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants a novel implant osteotomy preparation technique that increases implant stability. Dr Meyer is an invited speaker for the session “Biomechanical Evidence” at the 2017 Osseodensification World Symposium, in Orlando, FL.

As an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Dr. Meyer teaches undergraduate required courses; BME Best Practices, Introduction to Biomechanics and Biomechanics Lab, and Tissue Mechanics, as well as the elective Engineering Applications in Orthopedics and the graduate course Cellular and Molecular Mechanobiology. He has also been an active member of the College of Engineering faculty committee that is redesigning required courses for all students as a part of a cohesive, four-year multidisciplinary engineering design program focused on creating entrepreneurially minded engineers. Dr. Meyer has developed entrepreneurial-minded learning course modules and trained other faculty to use similar modules in their courses as part of an ongoing Kern Family Foundation grant that he received in 2013. Educational materials developed by this network of faculty are shared at the website; In addition, Dr. Meyer offers a number of outreach programs for high school students and advises many projects for undergraduate and graduate students.

Meyer grew up in Oakland Co., MI and graduated from Brandon HS and OSMTech charter HS in Clarkston. He received his BS, MS and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering (Biomechanics) from Michigan State University, while also spending a semester at the Katholiek University of Lueven, Belgium for a study abroad program. The primary topic of his research was lower extremity biomechanics during sports injury. He then completed post-doctoral training at the Centre for Bioengineering at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland in cartilage tissue engineering and mechanobiology.

Research Interests

Courses Taught

  • BME 6303 “Cellular Mechanobiology” *Newly developed course*
  • BME 5303 “Engineering Applications in Orthopedics” *Newly developed course*
  • BME 4313 “Tissue Mechanics” *Newly developed course*
  • BME 3303 & 3301 “Introduction to Biomechanics” & Lab *Newly developed courses*
  • BME 3002 “Biomedical Best Practices”
  • BME 1002 “Introduction to BME”
  • EGE 1001 “Fund. of Eng. Design Projects” *Newly developed course*
  • BME 4013 & 4022 “Biomedical Projects 1 & 2
  • BME 4993 “Biomedical Eng. Directed Research”
  • BME 6503 “Advanced Experimental Methods in BME” *Newly developed course*
  • BME 6803 & 6903 “Master’s Design Project” & “Master’s Thesis”
  • PDIS 8613 “Ph.D. Dissertation”

Recent Publications

Rossman S, Meyer EG, Rundell S. Development of a Finite Element Lumbar Spine Model to Predict Intervertebral Disc Herniation Mechanics. Comp Methods Biomech, 2021.

Lewis L, Jaussen P, Scrivener M, Shargel D, Meyer E, Delogu F, Shamir L, Collins S. Frankenstein 200 Years Later: Chemistry, Literature and Pop Culture. J Chem Education 24;1-4:2019.

Huwais S, Meyer EG. A Novel Osseous Densification Approach in Implant Osteotomy Preparation to Increase Biomechanical Primary Stability, Bone Mineral Density and Bone to Implant Contact.International J Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 2016.

Shimokochi Y, Ambegaonkar JP, Meyer EG. Changing sagittal-plane landing styles modulates impact and tibiofemoral force magnitude and directions relative to the tibia. J Athletic Training 2016.

Meyer EG, Ulrey BL. Sensing Angular Kinematics by Embedding an Open Hardware Design Project into a Required Biomechanics Course.
ASEE Annual Conf Proc. 2016.

Rust M, Nasir M, Meyer EG. Using Quantified Self as a Learning Tool to Engage Students in Entrepreneurially Minded Learning and Engineering Design. ASEE Annual Conf Proc. 2016.

Nasir M, Weaver BT, Meyer EG. Project-based Learning in a Forensic Engineering Course. ASEE Annual Conf Proc. 2016.

Meyer EG, Nasir M. Fostering the entrepreneurial mindset through the development of multidisciplinary learning modules based on the “Quantified Self” social movement. ASEE Annual Conf Proc. 2015.

Nasir M, Seta J, Meyer EG. Introducing high school students to biomedical engineering through summer camps. ASEE Annual Conf Proc 2014.

Gerhart A, Meyer EG. Combining discipline-specific “Introduction to Engineering” courses into a single multi-discipline course to foster the entrepreneurial mindset with entrepreneurially minded learning. ASEE Annual Conf Proc 2014.

Rundell SA, Weaver B, Guiang A, Meyer EG. Characterization of occupant lower extremity behaviour during moderate-to-high speed rear impacts. SAE Technical Paper. 2013-01-0222.

Button K, Wei F, Meyer EG, Haut RC. Specimen-specific computational models of ankle sprain produced in a laboratory setting. J Biomech Eng. 2013;135(4):041001.

Shimokochi Y, Ambeganonkar JP, Lee SY, Meyer EG, Shultz SJ. Sagittal plane body positions influence risk of non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injuries during a single-leg drop landing. Knee Surg Sports Trauma Arthroscopy. 2012;21(4):888-897.

Meyer EG, Wei F, Button K, Haut RC. Determination of ankle ligament strain using a rigid body computational model for sports injury scenarios. IRCOBI Conf. Proc. 2012;36:277-288.

Wei F, Post JM, Braman JE, Meyer EG, Powell JW, Haut RC. Eversion during external rotation of the human cadaver foot produces high ankle sprains. J Orthop Res. 2012;30(9):1423-1429.

Wei F, Meyer EG, Braman JE, Powell JW, Haut RC. Rotational stiffness of football shoes influences talus motion during external rotation of the foot. J Biomech Eng. 2012; 134(041002): 1-7.

Meyer EG, Buckley CT, Kelly DJ. The influence of construct scale on the functional properties of cartilaginous tissues engineered using bone-marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells. Tissue Eng. 2012; 18(3-4): 382-396.

Vinardell T, Rolfe RA, Buckley CT, Meyer EG, Murphy P, Kelly DJ. Hydrostatic pressure and TGF-β3 interact to regulate the induction and maintenance of a chondrogenic phenotype in joint tissue derived stem cells. European Cells & Materials J. 2012; 23: 121-134.

Meyer EG, Buckley CT, Steward AJ, Kelly DJ. The effect of cyclic hydrostatic pressure on the functional development of cartilaginous tissues engineered using bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells. J Mech Behav Biomed Mats. 2011; 4(7): 1257-1265.

Meyer EG, Baumer TG, Haut RC. Pure passive hyperextension of the human cadaver knee generates simultaneous bi-cruciate ligament rupture. J Biomech Eng. 2011; 133(011012): 1-5.

Meyer EG, Buckley CT, Thorpe SD, Kelly DJ. Low oxygen tension is a more potent promoter of chondrogenic differentiation than dynamic compression. J Biomech. 2010; 43: 2516-2523.

For a complete list of research publications and citations please see google scholar.

» Research

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  • What you will need to have and do
  • Download the mobile Zoom app (either App Store or Google Play)
  • Have your phone plugged in
  • Set up video stand phone holder

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From Phone

  • Start the Zoom session on your phone app (suggest setting your phone to “Do not disturb” since your phone screen will be seen in Zoom)
  • Type in the Meeting ID and Join
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  • Select “share content” and “screen” to share your cell phone’s screen in your Zoom session
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To use your cell phone as a makeshift document camera

  • Open (swipe to switch apps) and select the camera app on your phone
  • Start in photo mode and aim the camera at whatever materials you would like to share
  • This is where you will have to position what you want to share to get the best view – but you will see ‘how you are doing’ in the main Zoom session.