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Faculty + Staff

Associate Professor

Dr. Al-Bayati is the founding director of the Construction Safety Research Center (CSRC) and an associate professor in the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering. Before joining LTU, Dr. Al-Bayati was an assistant professor at the Kimmel School of Construction Management at Western Carolina University.

He earned his Ph.D. in Construction Engineering from Western Michigan University in 2017. He also received a master’s degree in construction management from East Carolina University in 2013 and a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering from Babylon University in 2003.

He conducts research on construction safety, including safety culture, incident investigation, and underground utility management, to optimize the construction process and reduce occupational injuries and utility strikes. He utilizes various methods for collecting, analyzing, and mining qualitative and quantitative data. He specializes in using surveys to extract information from the target population, providing a better understanding of the research topic and improving the overall process.

The research findings of Dr. Al-Bayati have been featured in various reputable publications, including the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE’s Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, National Safety Council’s (NSC) Journal of Safety Research, and the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) Professional Safety Journal. He has authored or co-authored over 70 peer-reviewed articles and conference proceedings. He has spoken at national and regional conferences across the country.

Dr. Al-Bayati serves on many local and national committees, including:

  1. Transportation Research Board (TRB) – Member of Standing Committee on Utilities – AKD60 ( April 2024 – April 2027)
  2. ASSP Z590.03 Prevention Through Design Standard (2023 – Present)
  3. Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) & Investigations Committee – The ASCE’s Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute (UESI) (2022 – Present)
  4. Site Construction Safety Committee – The ASCE’s Construction Institute (2019 – Present)
  5. NORA Construction Sector Council – The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) (2020 – Present)
  6. Editor, ASCE’s Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction (2019 – Present)

Before transitioning to academia in 2017, Dr. Al-Bayati worked in the construction industry for over a decade in various roles, including safety coordinator and site engineer. He is a certified professional engineer (PE) in Michigan, an OSHA-authorized trainer, and an Associate DBIA™ certified.

Dr. Al-Bayati has been honored with the 2024 Outstanding Civil Engineer of the Year award by the ASCE Michigan chapter and the 2021 Thomas Glavinich Early Career Award by ELECTRI International.

Peer-Reviewed Publications – Technical Papers

1. Al-Bayati, A. J., Karakhan. A., Alzarrad, A.  (2024) ” Quantifying the Mediating Effect of Frontline Supervisors on Workers’ Safety Actions: A Construction Safety Culture Focus” Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, American Society of Civil Engineers, 29 (3),

2. Al-Bayati, A. J. (2024). “Tailored Incident Investigation Protocols: A Critically Needed Practice” Safety, 10 (2), 37.

3. Al-Bayati, A. J., Alghamdi, A., and Abydayyeh, O. (2023) “Improving the Safety Culture and Climate of Smaller Construction Firms: A Necessary Addition to the OSH Intervention Model.” Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction, 12(4).

4. Al-Bayati, A. J., Eiris, R., Hernandez, G. O., Al-Bayati, M. (2023). Addressing Social Inequity in Construction Safety Research: Personal Protective Equipment Focus. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 149 (12).

5. Akinsemoyin, A., Awolusi, I., Chakraborty, D., Al-Bayati, A. J., & Akanmu, A. (2023). Unmanned Aerial Systems and Deep Learning for Safety and Health Activity Monitoring on Construction Sites. Sensors, 23(15), 6690. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

6. Karakhan, A. A., Al-Bayati, A.J. (2023) “Identification of Desired Qualifications for Construction Safety Personnel in the United States.” Buildings. 2023; 13(5):1237.

7. Al-Bayati, A. J., Rener, A.T., Listello, M.P., Mohamed, M. (2023) ” PPE non-compliance among construction workers: An assessment of contributing factors utilizing fuzzy theory.” Journal of Safety Research, Elsevier,

8. Al-Bayati, A. J., Ali, M., Nnaji, C. (2023) “Managing Work Zone Safety during Road Maintenance and Construction Activities: Challenges and Opportunities.” Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, American Society of Civil Engineers, 28(1).

9. Al-Bayati, A. J., Kelly, D., Hasanzadeh, S., York, D. (2023) ” Practitioners’ Views Concerning the Causal Effects of Project Delivery Methods and Procurement Methods on Construction Projects.” Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, American Society of Civil Engineers, 28(1). DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000742

10. Al-Bayati, A. J., Sturgill, R., Panzer, L., Victorio, S. M., Omer. T. (2022) “Locating underground utilities in the United States: A comparative analysis of services provided by private locators.” Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives.

11. Namian, M., Tafazzoli, M., Al-Bayati, A. J., and Kermanshachi, S. (2022). ” Are Construction Managers from Mars and Workers from Venus? Exploring Differences in Construction Safety Perception of Two Key Field Stakeholders.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(10):6172.

12. Al-Bayati, A. J. (2022). “Construction Safety Culture & Climate: The Relative Importance of Contributing Factors.” Professional Safety Journal, 67 (02): 24–28

13. Al-Bayati, A. J., and Panzer, L. (2022) ” Resilience of Infrastructure Damage Prevention: Vital Role of One Call Centers in the United States.” Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, American Society of Civil Engineers, 27(2). DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000674

14. Al-Bayati, A.J. (2021) “Firm Size Influence on Construction Safety Culture and Construction Safety Climate.” Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 26(4).

15. [Editor’s Choice] Al-Bayati, A.J. (2021) “Impact of Construction Safety Culture and Construction Safety Climate on Safety Behavior and Safety Motivation.” Safety, 7, 41.

16. Al-Bayati, A. J., Bilal, G. A., Esmaeili, B., Karakhan, A., and York, D. (2021) “Evaluating OSHA’s fatality and catastrophe investigation summaries: Arc flash focus.” Safety Science, Elsevier. 140 (105287), DOI:10.1016/j.ssci.2021.105287

17. Al-Bayati, A. J., Al-Kasasbeh, M., Awolusi, I., Abudayyeh, O., and Umar, T. (2021) “Trends of Occupational Fatal and Nonfatal Injuries in Electrical and Mechanical Specialty Contracting Sectors: Necessity for a Learning Investigation System.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, 147 (7), DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0002105

18. [Editor’s Choice] Al-Bayati, A. J., Salem, N., Abudayyeh, O., Newquist, J. (2021). “Legitimacy of the General Duty Clause Citations: Court Cases Review.” Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, American Society of Civil Engineers, 13 (2), DOI: 10.1061/%28ASCE%29LA.1943-4170.0000469

19. Karakhan, A., Gambatese, J. A., Simmons, D. R., Al-Bayati, A. J. (2021) “Identifying Pertinent Indicators for Assessing and Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of the Construction Workforce.” Journal of Management in Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, 37(2):04020114, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000885

20. Al-Bayati, A. J., Hasan, R. A., and Alomari, K. (2021). “Implementing a TQM Framework for Public Services in Iraq: An Exploratory Study” Journal of Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, American Society of Civil Engineers, 26(2), DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000565

21. Al-Bayati, A. J., and Panzer, L. (2020). “Reducing Damages to Underground Utilities: Importance of Stakeholders’ Behaviors.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, A146(9), 04020107.

22. Al-Bayati, A. J., O’Barr, K., Suk S., Albert A., and Chappell J. (2020). “Experience Modification Rate as a Pre-Qualification Criterion for Safety Performance.” Professional Safety Journal, 65 (7), 31-38

23. Al-Bayati, A. J., and Panzer, L. (2019) “Reducing Damages to Underground Utilities: Lessons Learned from Damage Data and Excavators in North Carolina.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers. 145 (12), DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001724

24. Al-Bayati, A. J., Albert, A. and Ford, G. (2019) “Construction Safety Culture and Climate: Satisfying the Necessity for an Industry Framework.” Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, American Society of Civil Engineers. 24 (4), DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000452

25. Al-Bayati, A. J., Panzer, L., and Karakhan, A. (2019) “Reducing Damages to Underground Infrastructure: Performance Evaluation of One-call Notification Program.” Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, American Society of Civil Engineers, 24 (4), DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)SC.1943-5576.0000441

26. Al-Bayati, A. J., and Panzer, L. (2019) “Requirements and Practices of Underground Construction Activities: A Review of Recently Updated Act.” Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, American Society of Civil Engineers, 11 (3), DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)LA.1943-4170.0000300

27. Al-Bayati, A. J. (2019) “ Satisfying the Need for Diversity Training for Hispanic Construction Workers and Their Supervisors at U.S. Construction Workplaces: A Case Study.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, 145 (6), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001663

28. Ladewski, B., and Al-Bayati, A. J. (2019) “Quality and safety management practices: The theory of quality management approach.” Journal of Safety Research, Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2019.03.004

29. Pandit, B., Albert, A., Patil, Y., and Al-Bayati, A. J. (2018). “Fostering Safety Communication among Construction Workers: Role of Safety Climate and Crew-level Cohesion” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, MDPI, 16(1):71. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16010071

30. Shirazinejad, R. S., Dissanayake S, Al-Bayati, A. J., York D. D. (2018). “Evaluating the Safety Impacts of Increased Speed Limits on Freeways in Kansas Using Before-And-After Study Approach.” Sustainability, MDPI, 11(1):119. DOI:10.3390/su11010119

31. Pandit, B., Albert, A., Patil, Y., and Al-Bayati, A. J. (2018) “Impact of Safety Climate on Hazard Recognition and Safety Risk Perception.” Safety Science, Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2018.11.020

32. Al-Bayati, A. J., and York, D. (2018) “Fatal Injuries among Hispanic Workers in the U.S. Construction Industry: Findings from FACE Investigation Reports.” Journal of Safety Research, Elsevier. DOI: 1016/j.jsr.2018.09.007

33. Al-Bayati, A. J., and Al-Zubaidi, H. (2018). “Inventory of Nanomaterials in Construction Products for Safety and Health.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers. Technical Note, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001547

34. Al-Bayati, A. J., Abudayyeh, and Albert, A. (2018). “Managing Active Cultural Differences in U.S. Construction Workplaces: Perspectives from Non-Hispanic Workers.” Journal of Safety Research, Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2018.05.004

35. Al-Bayati, A. J., Abudayyeh, O., Fredericks, T., and Butt, S. (2017) “Managing Cultural Diversity at U.S. Construction Sites: Hispanic Workers’ Perspectives.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001359

36. Al-Bayati, A. J., Abudayyeh, O., Fredericks, T., and Butt, S. (2017). “Reducing Fatality Rates of the Hispanic Workforce in the U.S. Construction Industry: Challenges and Strategies.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001269

Peer-Reviewed Publications – Conference Proceedings

1.    Al-Bayati, A. J., and S, Al-Anazy. 2024.Construction Anticorruption Measures: A Literature Review. Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction, Quito, Ecuador.

2.     Al-Bayati, A. J., Jensen, E., Eiris, R., Abudayyeh, O. 2024. Integrating Prevention Through Design (PtD) Into Engineering Curricula Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction, Quito, Ecuador.

3.    Al-Bayati, A. J., V. Aramali, and C. Ko. 2024. Assessing Usability of Construction Safety Culture and Climate Framework: A Crucial Method for Advancing Construction Safety. Proc. Construction Research Congress 2024, American Society of Civil Engineers, Des Moines, Iowa.

4.     Al-Bayati, A. J. 2024. Human and Workplace Factors Contributing to PPE Non-Compliance: A Critical Assessment. Proc. Construction Research Congress 2024, American Society of Civil Engineers, Des Moines, Iowa.

5.    Al-Bayati, A. J., L. Panzer, R. Eiris, and M. Tafazzoli. 2024. Third-Party Damages to Underground Utilities: The Critical Need for Root Cause Analysis. Proc. Construction Research Congress 2024, American Society of Civil Engineers, Des Moines, Iowa.

6.    Isingizwe, J., R. Eiris, and A. J. Al-Bayati. 2024. Immersive Storytelling Safety Training to Enhance Trainee Engagement: Pilot Study for Fall Hazards in the Residential Construction Sector. Proc. Construction Research Congress 2024, American Society of Civil Engineers, Des Moines, Iowa.

7.    Namian, M., D. Godwin, M. Tafazzoli, and A. J. Al-Bayati. 2024. The Impact of Education on Fatigue among Construction Workers: A Longitudinal Study. Proc. Construction Research Congress 2024, American Society of Civil Engineers, Des Moines, Iowa.

8.    Isingizwe, J., R. Eiris, and A. J. Al-Bayati. (2024). Safety Immersive Storytelling Videos Using Virtual Humans and 360-Degree Panoramas: A Pilot Study of Fall Hazard Training with Residential Construction Professionals. Computing in Civil Engineering 2023,

9.     Al-Bayati, A.J., Panzer., L., and Sturgill, R. (2023) ” Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) Standard: To Whom SUE Is Created” Proc. Pipelines 2023, 67-72, American Society of Civil Engineers, San Antonio, Texas.

10.[Best Paper Award] Isingizwe, J., Eiris, R., Al-Bayati, A. J., Bhawani, S., and Sparkling, A. (2023). “Where Do Minority Serving Institutions Stand in the U.S. Construction Education? -Exploring ASC and ACCE Communities” The 59th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference: Liverpool, UK

11.Al-Bayati, A.J., and Panzer, L. (2022) ” Rethinking Subsurface Infrastructure Management: The Emerging Need for Private Locating Firms” Proc. Pipelines 2022, 67-72, American Society of Civil Engineers, Indianapolis, Indiana

12.Al-Bayati, A.J., and Kinter, A. (2022) ” Subsurface Utility Engineering in Practice: Scope of Service Focus” Pipelines 2022, 166-170, American Society of Civil Engineers, Indianapolis, Indiana

13.Al-Bayati, A.J., Karakhan, A. (2022) ” Annual Revenue’s Influence on the Safety Performance of Construction Firms.” Construction Research Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers, Arlington, Virginia.

14.Karakhan, A., Al-Bayati, A.J., Izadi, Moud, Al-Saffar, O. T. (2022) ” Impact of Green Construction on Safety Performance in the Built Environment.” Construction Research Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers, Arlington, Virginia.

15.Sanni, T. O., Nnaji, C., Awolusi, I., and Al-Bayati, A. J. (2022). “Safety Innovation Adoption in Construction: Role of Safety Compliance and Safety Attitude.” Construction Research Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers, Arlington, Virginia.

16.Namian, M., Al-Bayati, A. J., and Nnaji, C. (2022). “Role of Safety Training in Reducing Fatigue among Construction Workers.” Construction Research Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers, Arlington, Virginia.

17.Shojaei, A., Mahdavian, A., Rokooei, S., and Al-Bayati, A. J. (2022). “Use of Virtual Site Visits in Construction Management Distance Education.” Construction Research Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers, Arlington, Virginia.

18.Awolusi, I., Akinsemoyin, A., Chakraborty, D., and Al-Bayati, A. J. (2022). “Worker Safety and Health Activity Monitoring in Construction Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Deep Learning.” Proc. Construction Research Congress, American Society of Civil Engineers, Arlington, Virginia

19.Al-Bayati, A.J. (2021) ” Infrastructure Damage Prevention Approaches in the United States.” Pipelines 2021, 102-108, American Society of Civil Engineers, Virtual Experience

20.York, D.D., Al-Bayati, A.J., Al-Shabbani, Z. Y. (2020) “Potential Applications of UAV within the Construction Industry and the Challenges Limiting Implementation.” Construction Research Congress 2020, 31-39, American Society of Civil Engineers, Tempe, Arizona

21.Al-Bayati, A.J., Butrouna, K. H., Steffen, R. E., Salman, B., Al-Qaralleh, M. (2020) “Utilizing Graphite Powder to Improve Concrete Conductivity, Compressive Strength, and Workability.” Construction Research Congress 2020, 881-888, American Society of Civil Engineers, Tempe, Arizona

22.Al-Bayati, A.J., Tafazzoli, M., York, D.D., Umar, T (2020) “Cyclical Construction Workforce Shortage: An Evaluation of the Current Shortage in Western North Carolina.” Construction Research Congress 2020, 643-650, American Society of Civil Engineers, Tempe, Arizona

23.Al-Bayati, A. J., Panzer., L., Kaddoura, K. (2020) “ Minimizing Underground Infrastructure Damages: Utility Locators’ Perspectives.” Proc. Pipelines 2020, 387-391, American Society of Civil Engineers, Virtual Experience

24.Kaddoura, K., Gehrig. B., Al-Bayati., A. J. (2020). “Developing a Decision-Support System to Optimize Rehabilitation and Replacement Programs for Ferrous Distribution Mains in Municipal Water Systems.” Proc. Pipelines 2020, 290-300, American Society of Civil Engineers, Virtual Experience

25.Namian, M., Al-Bayati, A. J., Karji, A., Tafazzoli, M. (2020) “Investigating Barriers to Implement and Develop Sustainable Construction.” Proc. JIC Smart Cities, Cairo, Egypt

26.Namian, M., Kermanshachi, S., Khalid, M., Al-Bayati, A. J. (2020) “Construction Safety Training: Exploring Different Perspectives of Construction Managers and Workers.” Proc. 2020 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Montreal, Canada

27.Al-Bayati, A. J., and Alomari, K. (2019). “Construction Stakeholders’ Perception toward the Success Factors of Construction Projects.” 7th CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference, CSCE, Montreal, Canada.

28.Al-Bayati, A. J., Karatas, A., and White, J. (2019). “Fall Prevention Supplementary Devices for Bridge Construction Workers: A Life-Cycle Cost Analysis.” 7th CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference, CSCE, Montreal, Canada.

29.Alomari, K., Gambatese, J. and Al-Bayati, A. J., (2019). “Exponential Random Graph Modeling: A Promising Tool for Construction Safety Research.” 7th CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference, CSCE, Montreal, Canada.

30.Alghamdi, A., Al-Bayati, A. J., Abudayyeh, O. (2019) “Performance Indicators for Construction Safety Culture and Climate: A Comprehensive State-of-the-Art Study.” 7th CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference, CSCE, Montreal, Canada.

31.Alomari, K., Gambatese, J., Gerkey, D., and Al-Bayati, A. J., (2019). “Analyzing Hazardous Interactions on Construction Jobsites Using Social Network Analysis.” 7th CSCE International Construction Specialty Conference, CSCE, Montreal, Canada.

32.Al-Bayati, A. J., Namian, O., Karakhan A. (2019). “How We Can Better Learn from OSHA Forms: From a Bulletin Board to the Vision Board.” The 55th ASC Annual International Conference, Associated Schools of Construction, Denver, CO

33.Al Assdi, R. J., and Al-Bayati, A. J. (2018). “Using a Compact Ceramic System to Filter Raw Water in Iraq: Challenges and Opportunities.” International Low Impact Development Conference, ASCE, Nashville, Tennessee. DOI: 10.1061/9780784481783.001

34.Bilal, G. A., Hashim, H., Comez, P., Abdel-Qader, I., and Al-Bayati, A. J. (2018). “Arc Flash Assessment: Two-Case Study of Public Service Facilities in Kalamazoo, Michigan.” 7th Annual IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (EIT), Rochester, Michigan. DOI: 10.1109/EIT.2018.8500083

35.Shirazinejad, R., and Al-Bayati, A. J. (2018). “Impact of advertising signs on freeway crashes within a certain distance in Michigan.” Construction Research Congress, ASCE, New Orleans, Louisiana. DOI: 10.1061/9780784481288.068

36.Al-Bayati, A. J., Abudayyeh, O., Ahmed, S. (2017). “Managing Workforce Diversity at Gulf Cooperation Council Construction Sites.” of the 9th International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-9), Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

37.Al-Bayati, A. J., and Abudayyeh, O. (2016). “Safety Challenges in the U.S. Construction Industry: The Hispanic Workforce Perspective.” Construction Research Congress, ASCE, San Juan, Puerto Rico. DOI: 10.1061/9780784479827.295

Funded REsearch Projects

Designing a High-Accurate Fast-Response Electrical Work Zone Alert System

Sponsor: Small Study Program (23-3-PS), The Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR)

Role on Project: Co-PI

Project Duration: 7/2023 – 6/2024


Using Immersive Storytelling to Improve Engagement and Motivation for Fall Prevention Training

Sponsor: Small Study Program (22-2-PS), The Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR)

Role on Project: Co-PI

Project Duration: 2/2022 – 5/2023


Construction Work Zones Training for Construction Firms and Public Service Departments

Consultation Education and Training Grant Program

Sponsor: Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA)

Role on Project: Principal investigator (PI)

Project Duration: 10/2022– 9/2023


Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver Shortage/Retention Research and Solutions

Michigan Department of State Police

Sponsor: The Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP)

Role on Project: Co-Principal Investigator – Collaboration with Western Michigan University

Project Duration: 11/2021– 11/2022


Residential Construction Hazards

Susan Harwood Training Grant Program

Sponsor: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Role on Project: Co-Principal Investigator – Collaboration with Michigan Tech. University

Project Duration: 9/2021– 9/2022


Construction Work Zones Training for Construction Firms and Public Service Departments

Consultation Education and Training Grant Program

Sponsor: Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA)

Role on Project: Principal investigator (PI)

Project Duration: 9/2021– 9/2022


Satisfying the Need for a Systematic Incident Investigation Learning Program

Sponsor: Thomas Glavinich ELECTRI International 2021 Early Career Award

Role on Project: Principal investigator (PI)

Project Duration: 8/2021– 7/2022


COVID-19 Best Practices Training for Construction Firms

Sponsor: Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA)

Role on Project: Principal investigator (PI)

Project Duration: 10/2020– 9/2021


Wind Tower Construction and Maintenance Hazards

Susan Harwood Training Grant Program

Sponsor: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Role on Project: Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)

Project Duration: 9/2019– 9/2020


Silica Protection in The Construction Industry

Susan Harwood Training Grant Program

Sponsor: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Role on Project: Principal investigator (PI)

Project Duration: 9/2018– 9/2019


A Pilot Training and Evaluation to Improve Roofers’ Safety Using Virtual Reality (VR)

Sponsor: Job-site Safety Institute.

Role on Project: Principal Investigator (PI)

Project Duration: 1/2019 – 10/2019


The Spanish S-CATSC with Hispanic Construction Contractors and Workers

Sponsor: Consultant Agreement (3001-903-10), The Center for Construction Research and Training (CPWR)

Role on Project: Co-PI with Dr. Luz S. Marin (PI, Indiana University of Pennsylvania)

Project Duration: 6/2018 – 9/2018.


Analyzing North Carolina 811 Data Using Quantitative Methods

Sponsor: North Carolina Call before Dig

Role on Project: Principal Investigator

Project Duration: 3-12/2018


Awards and Recgnitions

Outstanding Civil Engineer of the Year – ASCE South East Michigan Branch. (2024)

Best Paper Award – The 59th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference: Liverpool, UK. (2023)

Editor’s Choice Paper – “Impact of Construction Safety Culture and Construction Safety Climate on Safety Behavior and Safety Motivation.” Safety Journal. (2021)

Thomas Glavinich Early Career Award – ELECTRI International. (2021)

Editor’s Choice Paper – “Legitimacy of the General Duty Clause Citations: Court Cases Review.” Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction. (2021)

Outstanding Early-Career Faculty Award – Western Carolina University (2019)

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