Due to the expected snowstorm, campus will be closing at 3:00pm on Wednesday 02/12/25.  Students should log into Canvas for specific class information from their instructors. Please contact event organizers for information on specific activities.

Student Opportunities

Engineering Depts Radio

» Student Organizations

NameFaculty Advisor(s)

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the world’s largest technical professional society with over 400,000 members globally. The organization bears the goal of innovating technology for the sake of human advancement. With several dozen internal societies, communities, and interest groups, IEEE has succeeded in outreach to the fields of instrumentation, aerospace, and beyond.

The IEEE Student Branch at LTU offers access to a network of like-minded and driven individuals dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and innovation. Members will share enriching, meaningful, and exciting moments at student-managed events, seminars, workshops, and more. The organization is open to all LTU students looking to get a head start in their professional career with an approachable and engaging environment.

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the world’s largest technical professional society with over 400,000 members globally. The organization bears the goal of innovating technology for the sake of human advancement. With several dozen internal societies, communities, and interest groups, IEEE has succeeded in outreach to the fields of instrumentation, aerospace, and beyond.

Chi Epsilon is the national civil engineering honor society. It was founded at the University of Illinois in the spring of 1922.

The next year, Chi Epsilon was granted a certificate of incorporation as a national honor fraternity, and subsequently chapters were installed at the Armour Institute of Technology (now Illinois Institute of Technology) and the University of Minnesota. There are now more than 120 chapters which have initiated over 76,000 members.

Chi Epsilon is dedicated to the purpose of maintaining and promoting the status of civil engineering as an ideal profession. To this end, initiation into Chi Epsilon distinguishes the student of civil engineering who exemplifies the qualities of scholarship, character, practicality and sociability. At the same time, Chi Epsilon members have the responsibility of extraordinary service in the achievement of their profession.

In 1991, a local Civil Engineering Honor Society, Psi Delta Epsilon was formed at Lawrence Technological University. The members of this group petitioned the Supreme Council of Chi Epsilon for installation of a chapter in 1993. In 1994, LTU received approval from the Supreme Council and the 116 existing chapters. On December 3, 1994, Chi Epsilon chapter 117 was installed at LTU.

Mission Statement

WE, Engineers, Architects and Scientists of Arab heritage by ancestry or affinity, residing in the United States of America and Canada, recognize the need for constructive technical interaction among various professional disciplines, and desire to enhance our professional development are hereby pleased to announce the formation of the Arab American Engineers and Architects Association.


What is Timber Bridge Competition?

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and Forest Products Society (FPS) host university teams from across the nation since 1992 to design and construct a timber bridge at each university’s laboratory facility

ASCE and FPS provide strict rules regulating the National Timber Bridge Design Competition with specifications on timber materials, connections, deflections and loading

Once Timber Bridge construction is completed, testing is done at each university’s laboratory with video recording on the progression of the load tests

Teams are judged on net bridge deflection, net deck deflection, total bridge weight, percent non-wood used, best overall design and best support structure

A technical report must be submitted along with drawings and photographs


Benefits of Timber Bridge Competition

Beneficial to students by providing a good learning experience and real life engineering applications

Introduced various analysis components such as cost, construction practices, design, structural strength, safety, and time management that must be considered and balanced in an engineering project

Allowed students a chance to apply what is learned in the classroom to a real, hands-on project and therefore enhance student’s engineering technical skills

Promotes the use of wood products as one of our few renewable natural resource


2018 Competition
2016 Competition
2015 Competition
2014 Competition


2018-TImber-Bridge-CertificateEach contestant (team) will be required to design, build and test a bridge constructed from wood structural members. The wood used in this project must be from a commercially available species. The treatment of wood members is not a requirement, but contestants must fully address why treatment was not selected and how their bridge will perform in a real-life situation in their locale, considering moisture, temperature and other factors that impact the durability of bridge members. Some locations with low moisture and cold temperatures may not require treatment to AWPA Standards in order to achieve adequate performance throughout the bridge’s expected life. In fact, some teams may find it hard to secure bridge materials within their area that are treated. This change is being implemented to facilitate their entry in this Competition.


The team will be required to design, build and test a bridge constructed from wood structural members. The wood used in this project must be from a commercially available species.

What is AISC Steel Bridge Competition ?

The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) hosts university teams from across the nation to challenge student teams to develop a scale-model steel bridge

The first Student Steel Bridge Competition began with three schools (Lawrence Tech, Michigan Tech and Wayne State) competing in a parking lot at Lawrence Institute of Technology in 1987

Student teams must fabricate their bridge and plan for an efficient assembly under timed construction of the model steel bridge

Completed model steel bridge are approximately 20 feet and carries over 2,500 pounds under load test and must meet strict AISC specification stipulated in their competition rules

Completed model steel bridges are judged on their weight, maximum direct and eccentric load capacities, assembly speed, maximum deflection and aesthetics


Benefits of AISC Steel Bridge Competition

Students extend their classroom knowledge to a practical and hands-on steel-design project

AISC steel bridge competition grows student’s interpersonal and professional skills, encourage innovation, and fosters impactful relationships with other university students and industry professionals

Student learn to machine, weld and fabricate steel sections and connection components using steel as a bridge construction material

Research on innovative and cost effective steel bridge design techniques

Develop an understanding and appreciation of the engineering capabilities of steel as a bridge building material

Teams are engaged in a hands-on learning experience that mimics “real-world” scenarios


The Student Steel Bridge Competition is a competition sponsored by the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).

What is SAE Supermileage?bdm-logo

Engineering students design and build a fuel-efficient vehicle that will achieve the highest possible miles per gallon in competition while also achieving other tests: roll bar stress, braking, maneuverability, egress, and visibility.

Students design and build the vehicle from aerodynamic, mechanical, and functional standpoints with the use of innovative materials, tools, and technology.

Students compete against around 30 teams in an international competition.

Tasked to generate financial support for their project and manage their educational priorities.

Students must function as a team to conceptualize, design, build, test, promote, and race within the limits of race rules.

» More about the LTU SAE Supermileage team


Benefits of SAE Supermileage

Apply classroom concepts to real-world problems. Statics, dynamics, materials, electronics: it all has a place in SAE Supermileage.

Collaboration builds a better product. We work together to design a car, solve problems, and represent our university on an international stage.

Explore entrepreneurship through a business-focused vehicle design. Pitch sponsors, network with industry, and develop timelines.



The Supermileage team uses the lab to build a fuel efficient vehicle. This competition combines structural design, powertrain efficiency, and aerodynamics.

What is SAE Aero Design?

The SAE Aero Design competition gives students a real world design challenge that compress a typical aircraft development program into one calendar year

This competition requires participants to go through the systems engineering process by breaking down the entire design requirements of a flyable airplane into their specific needs and then to propose, design, fabricate, build and then test an airplane that meets those requirements.

» More about the LTU SAE Aero Design team


The benefits of SAE Aero Design are:

It gives students the opportunity to collaboratively work together on focused task of creating an airplane that meets specific performance goals.

It exposes participants to the many aspects of conceptual design, manufacturing, system integration/test, and through performance demonstration of their aircraft at competition.

The competitions give teams the chance to demonstrate and prove both their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world.

At Lawrence Tech engineering students can use their work on SAE Aero Design to fulfill their senior capstone design project requirements.


This team competes in the regular class against teams from around the world, they design, build, test, and fly a heavy-lift radio-controlled aircraft with a set of constraints.

The Entrepreneurial Engineering Design Studio champions eWeek by facilitating engineering-related activities. The final activity is a design challenge that pits LTU engineering students against Eaton engineers.

What is eWeek?

eWeek was founded by the National Society of Professional Engineers in 1951.

Typically held the third week in February.

Aims to increase the understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers.


What is the LTU vs Eaton eWeek Design Challenge?

LTU engineering student teams  compete against Eaton engineering teams.

The teams develop a design idea for a “Problem Statement.”

Teams pitch their idea to competition judges.

Feedback is used to develop a prototype.

Participants and guests vote for their two favorite prototypes.

The team having the prototype with the most votes wins the competition.


What are the benefits of the eWeek Design Challenge?

Engineering students work on teams that ideate, pitch an idea, and build a prototype that solves a design problem.

Students interact with professional engineers.

All participants enjoy an afternoon of creativity and fun.


The Entrepreneurial Engineering Design Studio champions eWeek by facilitating engineering-related activities.

What is ASCE GeoWall Competition?

GeoWall is a national student competition sponsored by the Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

ASCE Geo-Institute hosts university teams from across the nation to design and build a model mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining wall using paper reinforcement

Student teams conducted background research and laboratory testing to create a wall design

Students must summarized their design in a report, which they submitted to the competition

Each year 20 finalists are selected to compete at the national level by traveling across United States to attend the International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo


Benefits of ASCE GeoWall Competition

Interact and compete with other students to build and test their design at the national competition

Professional experience with industry representatives at the expo and networking with fellow students from other universities

Develop leadership skills and experiences by gaining knowledge and experience in geotechnical engineering in a creative and unique way

Preparing for the future as a geotechnical engineer


Teams design a model mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining wall and submit a design report.

What is Formula SAE®?

Formula SAE® is a series of both dynamic (driving) and static (non-driving) competitions focusing on student-built, high-performance, open-wheel, formula-style vehicles.

It is an international competition that challenges teams of university undergraduate and graduate students to conceive, design, fabricate, develop, and compete with small, formula-style vehicles.

» More about the LTU Formula SAE team


The benefits of Formula SAE® are:

The Lawrence Tech Formula SAE® vehicle team is university supported, but gives students the opportunity each year to collaboratively organize, manage, and complete the entire design process from beginning to end for the creation of a high-performance formula vehicle.

Students are given the opportunity to learn about all of the critical engineering aspects of what goes into producing a rapid-accelerating, nimble, high-speed race car.

The competitions give teams the chance to demonstrate and prove both their creativity and engineering skills in comparison to teams from other universities around the world.

Student have the full opportunity to service, support and drive their vehicle at competition.

At Lawrence Tech engineering students can use their work on Formula SAE® to fulfill their senior capstone design project requirements.


Formula SAE websites


Formula SAE® is a series of both dynamic (driving) and static (non-driving) competitions focusing on student-built, high-performance, open-wheel, formula-style vehicles.

» Document Viewer

Use Your Cell Phone as a Document Camera in Zoom

  • What you will need to have and do
  • Download the mobile Zoom app (either App Store or Google Play)
  • Have your phone plugged in
  • Set up video stand phone holder

From Computer

Log in and start your Zoom session with participants

From Phone

  • Start the Zoom session on your phone app (suggest setting your phone to “Do not disturb” since your phone screen will be seen in Zoom)
  • Type in the Meeting ID and Join
  • Do not use phone audio option to avoid feedback
  • Select “share content” and “screen” to share your cell phone’s screen in your Zoom session
  • Select “start broadcast” from Zoom app. The home screen of your cell phone is now being shared with your participants.

To use your cell phone as a makeshift document camera

  • Open (swipe to switch apps) and select the camera app on your phone
  • Start in photo mode and aim the camera at whatever materials you would like to share
  • This is where you will have to position what you want to share to get the best view – but you will see ‘how you are doing’ in the main Zoom session.