For Thursday 02/06/25, the campus will be closed until 12 noon today due to the severe weather. All classes scheduled after 12 noon will take place as scheduled. Students should check Canvas for details on classes.
You can use any laptop or desktop to connect to Lawrence Tech’s network resources from off campus by using the Lawrence Tech VPN ( Virtual Private Network ) Service. The VPN that we use is called Global Protect. Lawrence Tech’s VPN service allows University faculty, staff and students to securely “tunnel” in and access network resources as if they were on campus.
Under “Portals” click the + button to add a portal then type ” ” Click “Add” then close the window
From off-campus, most Library services are available to faculty, staff, and registered students. Please reference these instructions:
Contact the Library at 248-204-3000
Contact the Library at 248-204-3000 or
In our efforts to provide continuing cyber security improvements, LTU has implemented two-factor authentication (2FA) on several different systems for LTU resources using a service call DUO . This service will provide two-factor authentication on many of our other proprietary and business critical applications, including VPN, Banner Forms, etc.
Duo allows LTU to verify the identity of all users with effective, strong authentication (two-factor authentication) before granting access to University applications and resources. Check your app store to download the DUO app.
For more information please visit: Duo Enrollment
You will have received an enrollment email from with the subject “Duo Security Enrollment.” Click the link in the email to start the process. Here is a sample of the email you will receive:
Duo Security < >
SUBJECT: LTU 2-Factor/Duo Security Enrollment
Lawrence Tech is now rolling out Duo Security, a friendly and secure way for you to log into LTU’s applications. We have invited you to set up your account for Duo so you can start logging in.
To begin, click this link to enroll a phone, tablet, or other device:
< enrollment-link >
Duo Security is a two-factor authentication service that strives to be easy to use and secure. To learn more about Duo authentication, visit the guide here:
< guide-link >
Duo is a two-factor authentication provider that helps to secure access to applications. After entering your regular LTU username and password a second layer of security takes place where you are asked to prove your identity with a pre-registered Duo device such as a smartphone.
Two-factor authentication means logging in with something you know (your password) and something you have (your phone or other device). Through this combination an attacker would need to possess both parts to successfully compromise your account.
Yes, for faculty and staff to access certain LTU services such as Banner 9, ImageNow, VPN, etc. Duo authentication will be required.
In most cases you do not. You will be able to continue to use the VPN without Duo to access the licensing servers and shared drives. However, if you are a student worker that accesses Duo protected applications such as Banner 9 or ImageNow, you will need to use Duo. Students with access to shared drives will also require Duo to access the drives.
No, Duo helps to secure LTU applications accessed from any supported device.
Duo can use a phone as a second factor of authentication, either through the Duo Mobile smartphone app, or by receiving SMS text messages or phone calls. The smartphone app is recommended for ease of use, as it only requires tapping to accept or deny the login.
No, installing Duo Mobile only serves to provide a second layer of authentication for LTU services. Permissions used by the application are limited to those required for this purpose and to ensure that the device is not already compromised.
The Duo Mobile app on smartphone is the recommended method if possible since it is more flexible and easier to use to authenticate. But if you don’t have a smartphone or have one that does not support the app then login codes can be received by SMS text messages to any cell phone, or calls can be received to cell or landline phones.
In order to add a device to support Duo logins, you will need to first setup a screen lock, passcode, or biometric security on your phone before authenticating to LTU services.
In the Duo Mobile app there is a key icon next to the LTU profile that will generate a six digit passcode which can be used to authenticate with Duo. If you do not have a smartphone and will be travelling outside of cell service, please contact the LTU Help Desk to discuss options.
Due to the global prevalence of security breaches in recent years, Duo is being used as an additional measure to protect LTU services. Adding a second factor of authentication for logins greatly improves security. It would be much more difficult for a hacker to both know your password and have possession of your phone or other device.
Duo supports authentication through Android and IOS smartphones and tablets, feature phones (non-smart) by SMS text messages or calls, landlines by calls, and physical authentication tokens. The Duo Mobile app on smartphones and tablets is the easiest, quickest, and most flexible method to use and is therefore recommended. The other options are more difficult requiring manual generation and entry of a changing passcode, and also incur additional costs to the University upon each authentication.
Due to new LTU IT network security measures and GDPR regulations we are now blocking traffic from outside the US and Canada without your signed consent.
To obtain access to LTU systems while outside the US and Canada, Students/Faculty/Staff will need to complete the the consent form sent to you via Docusign, at which time you will be provided an exception for connectivity through a special VPN connection and two factor authentication through DUO.
Your signed consent ensures compliance with necessary privacy laws and security measures at LTU. Signed consent forms will be valid for one academic year (August–July), and will need to be signed each subsequent year.
Please contact the Help Desk at 248.204.2330 or to obtain the consent form.
Use Your Cell Phone as a Document Camera in Zoom
From Computer
Log in and start your Zoom session with participants
From Phone
To use your cell phone as a makeshift document camera