For Thursday 02/06/25, the campus will be closed until 12 noon today due to the severe weather. All classes scheduled after 12 noon will take place as scheduled. Students should check Canvas for details on classes.
Canvas has a Syllabus link on the Course Navigation. This is where the course syllabus will be placed for students to easily find and review. We at LTU have prebuilt Canvas Syllabus Template(s) which contains common syllabus language and LTU policies. You’ll have to update your specific course information, but the rest of the information will be preloaded.
On the right is an example of the syllabus template. It contains tabs such as: Course Overview, Course Outcomes, Course Schedule, Student Assessment, Assignment Descriptions, University Policies, and Academic Integrity.
Design Tools Template
While in Edit mode for the Syllabus and Design Tools open you can add in your instructor and or TA information into the provided box.
This will give you a listing of all the instructors and tas that are listed in the course.
Click on the desired teacher or ta to expand the accordion.
Once you click Insert Details at Cursor the information will be placed where you had placed/clicked you cursor at the beginning. It will look something like the below image.
Changing text within the syllabus template is quite easy. All you need to do is place your course by the text you want to change, highlight and delete or start backspacing and then proceed to type the new text.
To replace the default schedule you can either begin from scratch and type in the information or you can copy from a pre-existing Google Doc or Word Doc.
To copy from a pre-existing doc you must first open the document.
Go to Canvas and the course the schedule belongs in
Click anywhere on the schedule
A rectangular box at the bottom or the top of the table
You will select the first icon
A pop-up window will appear
Click Advanced on the side
Select the dropdown menu below Border Style and choose the style you want. Solid is the most commonly used
Click Save
Once you have finished all updates be sure to click Update Syllabus!
Select Accordion and Tabs to expand and see all the “blocks” available in the template
Adding New Tab or Accordion Panel
From Design Tools (Rocket Ship)
Choose which type you want (Accordion or Tab). Rename Panel Heading to desired title
Changing Tab Panel Color
Click inside the new panel box, from Design Tools (Rocket Ship)
If you want to bring in just the University level outcomes follow the instructions below.
Click on Outcomes in the Global Navigation
Note: You can also import an entire outcome group by selecting the folder and clicking Import.
Use Your Cell Phone as a Document Camera in Zoom
From Computer
Log in and start your Zoom session with participants
From Phone
To use your cell phone as a makeshift document camera