This course covers the design of mechanical and automotive components against fatigue failure. It covers mechanical properties and behavior of engineering materials subjected to static, dynamic, creep, and fatigue loads under environments and stress states typical of service conditions: biaxial theories of failure; behavior of crack bodies, microstructure-property relationships; design methodologies for homogeneous and composite materials. Major topics include: review elementary stress analysis, complex stress analysis: principle stresses in 3D; Mohr’s circle, elastic deformation; Hook’s Law, mechanism and rhelogical modeling; plastic, creep, and anelastic strain in metals and Polymers, failure theories for ductile and brittle materials, application of failure theories, introduction to LEFM (linear elastic fracture mechanics), fatigue (introduction), fatigue-stress raisers, S-N curve and design, strain based fatigue analysis, application of LEFM to fatigue, fatigue crack growth behavior, failure design using LEFM, creep: introduction, creep: life estimates, stress-strain time relations.