Signature LTU Robotics Competition Continues to Grow

Robofest® is Lawrence Technological University’s worldwide robotics program for students in 4th through 12th grade. Student teams design, construct, and program their autonomous robots to compete for trophies in a variety of competitions. Robofest’s mission is to generate excitement and interest among young people in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM), AI, and computer […]
Professors Reach Across the Ocean to Recruit Students to LTU

Growing an academic program takes a lot of work: you’ve got to have the best professors, staff, and in-demand programs. And you’ve got to tell people about them. In fall 2024, Lawrence Technological University professors ventured to India to introduce the University to high school and university students. For many years, Lawrence Tech has employed […]
A Day in The Life of a Math Professor: Meet Sharon Carter

It starts rather early. The favorite of Sharon Carter’s three cats wakes her up. “My husband is retired, so he makes breakfast every day. It’s the same thing: oatmeal and this coffee substitute that my grandfather used to drink called Postum. I then grab my lunch that I’ve made the night before, all my stuff, […]
Meet CoAS Robotic’s Research Lab Manager Devson Butani

In a technological university, you’d expect to see robotics take center stage. Robots in electric vehicle development, computer science, and engineering. As the study and application of robotics have taken on greater importance, the College of Arts and Sciences (CoAS) recently established the position of Robotics Research Lab Manager and invited LTU 2019 Mechanical Engineering […]
Maliea May: 2024-2025 Outstanding Undergraduate International Student, A Star Continues to Shine

Readers of earlier College of Arts and Sciences publications might remember meeting Maliea May. Her story epitomizes the essence, commitment, and quality of a Lawrence Technological University student. She came to LTU from her home country of Canada to play soccer and to learn to become a clinical psychologist. Playing soccer for four years and […]
Dean’s Letter

Happy New Year! Welcome to a new semester that will be filled with exciting scientific research, challenging competitions, and critical, thought-provoking guest lectures. I hope you were able to join us for one such lecture by John MacNeill Miller, Ph.D., associate professor of English from Allegheny College, who presented “Experimental Curiosity – The Relationship Between […]
LTU autonomous vehicle grant brings Southfield high schoolers to campus

SOUTHFIELD—Three years ago, Lawrence Technological University won a National Science Foundation grant for a summer program to bring college students from around the country to LTU’s campus to work on developing autonomous vehicle software. But the grant is not only for current college students—but also for future college students. Last week, LTU hosted high school students […]
The Use and Emotional Processing of Emojis

The Use and Emotional Processing of Emojis Dr. Lara Jones, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Wayne State University Thursday, October 19, 2023 In a sample of Metro Detroit undergraduate students, 97% reported using emojis at least “sometimes” in their text messaging. But what factors predict who uses emojis, how they use them, and the initial […]
LTU’s Robofest goes online–making it the only robotics competition in the world this year

Like so many other educational activities, Lawrence Technological University’s Robofest World Championship is moving online this year. More than 2,500 students participate each year in Robofest in over 27 countries. When the coronavirus pandemic closed thousands of schools around the world in March, the student robotics competition was in the busy midst of its season […]
Lawrence Tech to bring students back to campus for fall semester

Assuming continued favorable trends in the coronavirus pandemic, Lawrence Technological University has announced to students, faculty and staff that it plans to bring students back to its campus for its Fall 2020 semester, which begins Aug. 24. In emails to students, faculty and staff, LTU President Virinder Moudgil said all decisions will be “based on […]