
From the microscopic intricacies of cellular life to the vast ecosystems that blanket our planet, the study of biology is the means and method by which humans seek to perceive and comprehend the fundamental nature of living organisms.


Supported by funding from the National Institutes of Health, LTU’s biology faculty and students are engaged in collaborative, cutting-edge research activities. The hands-on opportunities afforded to all students through our extensive course-based research experiences and our co-curricular Quest Program is a distinct advantage of LTU’s “theory and practice” approach. Throughout their coursework, students cultivate proficiency in scientific methodology and critical analysis, learning skills beneficial for diverse careers and future academic pursuits. With close faculty mentorship, students have the opportunity to participate in meaningful research projects, attend regional and national scientific conferences, and see their scholarly work published in peer-reviewed journals.

Graduates use their scientific expertise as a successful springboard to a variety of rewarding careers. Our alumni have become medical professionals (doctors, dentists, physician assistants, pharmacists, etc.), researchers, environmental scientists, biotechnology experts, educators, and policy makers. Biology is truly a giant step into a world of opportunity.


Reproductive Toxicology

Are you interested in exploring the intricate connections between our environment and human health?

At LTU, we focus on understanding how environmental toxicants impact reproductive health - a critical area of study as infertility rates continue to rise globally. Our current focus is on bisphenol A (BPA), a plastic additive and known reproductive toxicant that is ubiquitous in our environment. Funded by the National Institutes of Health, LTU faculty and students are working to create alternatives to BPA and study their health effects, with the aim of developing safer plastics.

In this study, we use the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans as a model organism. These tiny worms are a powerful tool for toxicity testing due to their genetic similarity to humans and transparent body, which allows us to directly observe the effects of toxicants at the cellular level. By joining our team, you'll be part of our important mission to understand and mitigate the impact of plastics on human health. You'll gain hands-on experience in cutting-edge research and contribute to science that can make a real difference in the world. Join us in our quest to create a healthier future!


Personalized Medicine

Do you care about patients and improving responses to prescription drugs?

Personalized medicine is at the intersection of genetics and pharmacology, using the power of the human genome project to determine which drugs are a better match for each patient.

At LTU, students are working with human DNA to detect variations that could influence responses to pharmaceutical drugs. Patient genes have been shown to impact pharmaceutical performance. It is important to be able to quickly characterize a patient’s genes and use this information to determine if a pharmaceutical drug is likely to be an effective treatment. This approach is referred to as personalized medicine. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is a common form of genetic variation that can impact patient responses to drugs. SNPs vary by only one base pair and can be difficult to detect. We are developing methods to rapidly differentiate SNPs for drug response genes.


Tissue Engineering

Do you want to improve wound healing?

Tissue engineering is an interdisciplinary approach utilizing biology and engineering to design scaffolds that encourage cell growth and tissue formation.

Skin is one of our primary protective barriers to infection. However, that barrier can be breached, resulting in wounds. Wound healing is a process which takes time, and as we age this process becomes even slower. At LTU, we are interested in using a tissue engineering approach to improve the efficiency of wound healing that involves the creation of innovative bio-printed alginate/honey mesh dressings coated with platelet-rich plasma (PRP). These scaffolds will be tested for biocompatibility and antimicrobial acti.


Plant Ecology

Are you passionate about conservation and preserving our environment?

The early detection of invasive species allows for their management and potential eradication, preserving native species and biodiversity.

Our ecosystems are comprised of many different species that are intertwined and interconnected. The introduction of invasive species threatens to disrupt these systems and can lead to a loss of biodiversity. The best way to prevent invasive species from becoming disruptive is to identify them before they are established. However, in some cases, invasive plant species are difficult to differentiate from their native relatives. DNA barcoding is a molecular technique that can aid in invasive plant species identification. At LTU, students are contributing to invasive species surveillance by extracting DNA and using DNA barcoding for plant identification.



Are you curious about how human activity impacts the environment?

Many communities use salt to treat icy roads in the winter. Several studies have been conducted to determine the impact that this salt has on wetlands and, in a few cases, their flora and fauna. However, no studies have been published investigating the impact that road salt has on soil microbes.

At LTU, we are investigating the presence of salt-tolerant bacteria in the soil. Microbes that are tolerant of or require salt for growth are referred to as halotolerant or halophilic, respectively. Several LTU microbiology lab classes have been working to isolate halotolerant microbes in soil from a variety of locations. By comparing soil samples that were close to roads and sidewalks with those far from human activity, we are attempting to determine if salt application is exerting selective pressure on the soil microbial community.

Our People

Academic Team


Dr. Jeffery Morrissette

Associate Professor of Biology and Director of the Post-Baccalaureate in Premedical Studies Program



Dr. Julie Zwiesler-Vollick

Associate Professor of Biology



Dr. Aleksandra Kuzmanov

Assistant Professor of Biology



Dr. Fauzia Siddiq

Senior Lecturer of Biology
