Due to the expected snowstorm, campus will be closing at 3:00pm on Wednesday 02/12/25. Students should log into Canvas for specific class information from their instructors. Please contact event organizers for information on specific activities.
The CAR Lab at LTU was founded in 1998 by Professor CJ Chung to promote Intelligent robotics and STEM + Computer Science Education through autonomous Robotics. Currently the lab focuses on robotics and intelligent vehicle research projects using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies such as Deep Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Evolutionary-Neuro-Fuzzy.
The CAR lab has assisted students in gaining theory and practice and applying their knowledge to real-world problems. These endeavors have resulted in publications in conferences, book chapters, and journals. Dr. Chung has received over $1.5M (as of March 2023) as grants, awards, sponsorships and contracts to support his students and laboratory equipment.
This CAR lab is the birthplace of Robofest launched in 1999 and IGVC robotics teams started in 2003.
Journal, Book Chapter, or Professional Magazine Articles
Rao S, Quezada A, Rodriguez S, Chinolla C, Chung C-J, Siegel J. Developing, Analyzing, and Evaluating Vehicular Lane Keeping Algorithms Using Electric Vehicles. Vehicles. 2022; 4(4):1012-1041. https://doi.org/10.3390/vehicles4040055
Schulte, J.; Kocherovsky, M.; Paul, N.; Pleune, M.; Chung, C.-J. Autonomous Human-Vehicle Leader-Follower Control Using Deep-Learning-Driven Gesture Recognition. Vehicles 2022, 4, 243-258. https://doi.org/10.3390/vehicles4010016
Chan-Jin Chung and Lior Shamir, “Introducing Machine Learning with Scratch and Robots as a Pilot Program for K-12 Computer Science Education,” International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 181-186, September 2021. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.7.3.181-186
Chan-Jin Chung, Robofest – A Playful Learning Environment Through Autonomous Robotics, Pädi Scientific Bulletin of Basic Sciences and Engineering of the ICBI, Vol. 7 Special No. (2019), pp. 1-3
Nicholas Paul and ChanJin Chung (2018) Application of HDR algorithms to solve direct sunlight problems when autonomous vehicles using machine vision systems are driving into sun, Computers in Industry, Volume 98, June 2018, Pages 192–196.
ChanJin Chung, Christopher Cartwright, and Joe DeRose, (2017) Robotics Festival and Competitions Designed for STEM+C Education, Robotics in STEM Education: Redesigning the Learning Experience, editor Myint Swe Khine, Springer, pp.131-170
Chung, C. (2014). Unveiling 2014 Robofest Challenges, Robot Magazine, January/February 2014, pp. 48-51.
Chung, C., Cartwright, C., & Cole, M. (2014), Assessing the Impact of an Autonomous Robotics Competition for STEM Education, Journal of STEM education, Vol 15, Issue 2, July-September 2014, pp. 24-34.
Kawatsu, C, Li, J. & Chung, C. (2013). Obstacle & Lane Detection and Local Path Planning for IGVC Robotic Vehicles using Stereo Vision, Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications 2, Vol. 274 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Publisher, pp 667-675
Kawatsu, C, Li, J. & Chung, C. (2012). Development of Fall Detection System with Microsoft Kinect (2012), Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications 2, Vol. 202 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Publisher, pp 623-630
CJ Chung (2014), The Global Robotics Art Festival (GRAF) – Robotics Artistry Through STEM, Robot Magazine, July/August, 2014, pp. 60-62
Chung, C., Marzougui, A., & Lahdhiri, T (2012), Region 4 and the Southeastern Michigan Section Help Foster STEM With Robofest PACE Project, IEEE USA in Action Magazine, Spring 2012
Chung, C. (2011). ROBOFEST 2010 – Little robots perform big missions for STEM, Robot Magazine, January/February, pp. 60-64.
Chung, C. (2010). RoboParade – An opportunity to develop your imagination while having fun, Robot Magazine, November/December 2010, pp.48-49.
Maurice Tedder, David Chamulak, Li-Ping Chen, Santosh Nair, Andrey Shvartsman, I Tseng, and Chan-Jin Chung, “An Affordable Modular Mobile Robotic Platform with Fuzzy Logic Control and Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks”, The Journal of Robotic Systems, Vol 2, Number 8, Aug. 2004, Editors: Gerardo Beni and Susan Hackwood, pp.419-428.
Scholarly Books
CJ Chung, Introduction to Robotics Programming with Java for L2Bot, lulu.com (published in October, 2011)
CJ Chung, RoboMath – Learning K-12 Math with Lego NXT-G Programming Language, lulu.com (October, 2011)
ChanJin Chung and Joe Engalan, “Lego Robot Programming and Construction Guide – Learning with Lego Robot Games and Introduction to RCX code”, 2000, Lawrence Technological University
Conference Papers
R. Kaddis, E. Stading, A. Bhuptani, H. Song, C. -J. Chung and J. Siegel, “Developing, Analyzing, and Evaluating Self-Drive Algorithms Using Electric Vehicles on a Test Course,” 2022 IEEE 19th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS), 2022, pp. 687-692, doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/MASS56207.2022.00101
J. Dombecki, J. Golding, M. Pleune, N. Paul, C.J. Chung, “The Successful Integration of the Robotic Technology Kernel (RTK) for a By-Wire Electric Vehicle System with a Mobile App Interface,” In Proceedings of the Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS), NDIA, Novi, MI, Aug. 16-18, 2022. (Submitted for OSPEC review; Rejected)
Chan-Jin Chung, Paul Jaussen, “A pilot study on AI literacy, attitude, and acceptance level of a group of faculty members,” MICHIGAN ACADEMY of SCIENCE, ARTS & LETTERS (MARSAL) Conference, Online, March 11, 2022
Chan-Jin Chung, Shannan Palonis, Elmer Santos, Pamela Sparks, Christopher Cartwright, Design, Implementation, and Assessment of Synchronized Worldwide Online Robotics Competitions for Engineering and Computing Education, 2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2021, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/FIE49875.2021.9637399. (Presented on Oct 16 at 9:30am)
Ian Timmis, Nicholas Paul, Chan-Jin Chung, Teaching Vehicles to Steer Themselves with Deep Learning, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, May 14 – 15, 2021, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI (presented online)
Chung, C. J., Shamir, L., 2020, Introducing Machine Learning with Scratch and Robots as a Pilot Program for K-12 Computer Science Education, In 3rd International Conference on Future Learning (ICFL, Online), London, United Kingdom, December 17-19, 2020 (PDF)
M. Pleune, N. Paul, C. Faulkner and C. -J. Chung, “Specifying Route Behaviors of Self-Driving Vehicles in ROS Using Lua Scripting Language with Web Interface,” 2020 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (EIT), 2020, pp. 535-539, doi: 10.1109/EIT48999.2020.9208285
Mitchell Pleune, Nicholas Paul, Charles Faulkner, Chan-Jin Chung, An adaptable system to control behaviors of ROS systems through a web-based Lua scripting interface, 2020 Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters (MASAL) conference
M. Shamir, M. Kocherovsky and C. Chung, “A Paradigm for Teaching Math and Computer Science Concepts in K-12 Learning Environment by Integrating Coding, Animation, Dance, Music and Art,” 2019 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC), 2019, pp. 62-68, doi: 10.1109/ISECon.2019.8882015.
Mirit Shamir, Mark Kocherovsky, and ChanJin Chung, “A Paradigm for Teaching Math and Computer Science Concepts in K-12 Learning Environment By Integrating Coding, Animation, Dance, Music and Art”, 2019 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference at Princeton University, NJ, March 2019 (the winner of 2019 Best Paper Award)
Paul, N., Pleune, M., Chung, C., Faulkner, C., Warrick, B., Bleicher, S., A Practical, Modular, and Adaptable Autonomous Vehicle Research Platform, IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology 2018 at Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan
ChanJin Chung and Elmer Santos, Robofest Carnival – STEM Learning through Robotics with Parents, 2018 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC) at Princeton University, NJ, Mar. 18, 2018
C. Chung and M. Kocherovsky, “CS+PA2: Learning computer science with physical activities and animation — A MathDance experiment,” 2018 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC), 2018, pp. 262-267, doi: 10.1109/ISECon.2018.8340497
Nicholas Paul, Jonathan Ruszala, Gordon Stein, and CJ ChanJin Chung (2017), Development of a Self-driving Electric Vehicle (EV), Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters (MASAL), March 10, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Gordon Stein, CJ Chung (2016), Rapid Development of a Mobile Robot Simulation Environment for the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition, Proceedings of the AUVSI XPONENTIAL 2016, May 2-5, 2016, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans (PDF); https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.04820
Chung, C. C., Cartwright, C, & Chung, C, Robot Music Camp: An experiment to promote S. T. E. M. and Computer Science, 4th IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC), March 8, 2014, Princeton University, NJ (*)
Chung, C. (2014), Integrated STEAM Education through Global Robotics Art Festival (GRAF), 4th IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC), March 8, 2014, Princeton University, NJ
Chung, C. & Cartwright, C. (January 2014), RoboParade: a Fun and Effective Way to Promote STEM Education, Proceedings of the 12th Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, Jan 5-9, 2014
Chris Kawatsu, Jiaxing Li, and CJ Chung (2013), Obstacle & Lane Detection and Local Path Planning for IGVC Robotic Vehicles using Stereo Vision, RITA (Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications) Conference, Denver Colorado, 2013
Chris Kawatsu, Jiaxing Li, and CJ Chung (2012), Development of Fall Detection System with Microsoft Kinect, Presented at RITA (Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications) Conference, Gwangju Korea, 2012
Trudell, E., & Chung, C. (2009). Development of Methodologies to Assess the Impact of Autonomous Robotics Competitions in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education, Proceedings of the International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED) in Valencia, Spain, 9~11th of March. ISBN: 978-84-612-7578-6.
CJ Chung, Designing Robot Competitions, Proceedings of Robotics Education Symposium, Georgetown University in Washington, DC., May 5-6, 2006
Maurice Tedder and Chan Jin-Chung, A laptop computer based educational robot platform using Java, 2nd International Symposium Robotics Education, KAIST Daejon, Korea, Nov 5, 2004, pp. 62-84
Maurice Tedder and Chan Jin-Chung, Autonomous robot vision software design using Matlab toolboxes, Proceedings of SPIE (The International Society for Optical Engineering) – Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXII, edited by David P. Casasent, et al., October 25–28 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Vol. 5608, pp. 99-106
Thomas M. Burke and CJ Chung, Autonomous robot software development using simple software components, Proceedings of SPIE (The International Society for Optical Engineering) – Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XXII, edited by David P. Casasent, et al., October 25–28 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Vol. 5608, pp. 107-117
Andrey Chernolutskiy and Chan-Jin Chung, “An Evolutionary Neuro-Fuzzy Framework For Controlling An Unmanned Robot Vehicle”, Proceedings of AUVSI, Anaheim CA, Aug. 2004
Wei-Wen Chang, Chan-Jin Chung, and Bernhard Sendhoff, “Target Shape Design Optimization with Evolutionary Computation”, accepted on Aug. 13, 2003 in the proceedings of IEEE CEC (Congress on Evolutionary Computation), Canberra, Australia, December 8-12, 2003, Vol. 3 pp. 1864-1870
Chan-Jin Chung and Lisa Anneberg, “Robotics Contests and Computer Science and Engineering Education”, Proceedings of ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) 2003 Conference, Boulder, CO, Nov. 5-8, pp. FIF-8 ~ FIF-14
Andrey Shvartsman, Maurice Tedder, and Chan-Jin Chung, “A Modular Mobile Robotic Platform As An Educational Tool In Computer Science And Engineering”, in Proceedings of International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies (CCCT) ’03, July 31-Aug 2, 2003, Orlando, Florida, IIIS Volume V, pp. 314-317 (*)
Chan-Jin Chung and William Sverdlik, “Robotics Education in the K-12 Environment”, Robots and Education, Stanford Spring Symposium (a part of the annual AAAI spring symposium series), Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, March 26–28, 2001, pp. 37-45 (*)
Chan-Jin Chung, “Methodologies for Developing Real-time Robot Software Using a Formal Specification Language – SDL”, FIRA Robot World Cup France’98 Proceedings, pp. 17-26, ISBN 89-7163-102-3, Tae-Yong Publishing Co., Dec. 1999.
Mark Kocherovsky, Giuseppe DeRose, Nick Paul, CJ Chung, DeepSteer: Autonomous Driving through Convolutional and Recurrent Learning, April 20, 2022, Research Day, Lawrence Technological University (Poster), Graduate 2nd Place Award – $150, http://qbx6.ltu.edu/chung/papers/43_Kocherovsky_DeepSteer.pdf
Mark Kocherovsky, CJ Chung, Using Evolutionary Algorithms to Optimize Hyperparameters for Keras Deep Learning Models to Solve the Two Intertwined Spiral Problem, April 20, 2022, Research Day, Lawrence Technological University (Poster), http://qbx6.ltu.edu/chung/papers/42_Kocherovsky_Using.pdf
Joseph Schulte, Mark Kocherovsky, Nicholas Paul, Mitchel Pleune, CJ Chung, Gesture-Based Human-Vehicle Leader-Follower Autonomy Systems with a Bipartite Mapping Algorithm, April 20, 2022, Research Day, Lawrence Technological University (Poster), http://qbx6.ltu.edu/chung/papers/41_Schulte_Gesture.pdf
Tavin Ardell, CJ Chung, The Development of a Defect Detection System using Deep Learning and Computer Vision for the American Axle and Manufacturing (AAM) Valencia Facility’s Advanced Inspection System, Research Day, Lawrence Technological University (Poster), http://qbx6.ltu.edu/chung/papers/40_Ardell_Detect.pdf
Gerard Bringard, CJ Chung, The Prototype Development of IoT Based Wheelchair Tracking System for Detroit Metro Airport (DTW), April 20, 2022, Research Day, Lawrence Technological University (Poster), http://qbx6.ltu.edu/chung/papers/38_Bringard_Prototype4DTW.pdf
Joseph Schulte, Justin Dombecki, Mitchell Pleune, Giuseppe DeRose, Nicholas Paul, CJ Chung, Developing Leader Follower Autonomy for Self-driving Vehicles Using Computer Vision and Deep Learning, LTU Research Day 2021 Poster, https://youtu.be/_SzSCcQs3yc, http://qbx6.ltu.edu/chung/papers/LeaderFollower.pdf
Mark Kocherovsky, CJ Chung, The Development of Scratch Programming Extensions for Machine Learning, LTU Research Day 2021 Poster, https://youtu.be/8XrpUHWUY0s, http://qbx6.ltu.edu/chung/papers/SEML.pdf
Thomas Brefeld, James Golding, Mitchell Pleune, Giuseppe DeRose, Nicholas Paul, CJ Chung, The Development of a Stable Four Way Stop Coordination Algorithm for Self-Driving Vehicles, LTU Research Day 2021 Poster, https://youtu.be/tZ37nGXFs78, http://qbx6.ltu.edu/chung/papers/4wayStopCoord.pdf
Jose Gonzalez-Belmonte and CJ Chung, Selfie AR: Computer Application for Taking Pictures with Augmented Reality, April 2019, Research Day, Lawrence Technological University (Poster)
Zhen Liu and CJ Chung, Teaching Cars to Reproduce Human Driving Behavior Using Deep Neural Networks in a Simulated Environment, April 2019, Research Day, Lawrence Technological University (Poster). http://qbx6.ltu.edu/chung/stuproj/2019/Poster-ZhenLiu_Chung.pdf
Mitchell Pleune, Charles Faulkner, Sean Bleicher, Nicholas Paul, CJ Chung, A Modular Approach for Building an Academic Autonomous Vehicle Platform in the Classroom, April 2019, Research Day, Lawrence Technological University (Poster)
Ian Timmis, Nicholas Paul, CJ Chung, Teaching Cars to Steer Themselves With Deep Learning, April 2018, Research Day, Lawrence Technological University (Poster)
Nicholas Paul, Gordon Stein, CJ Chung (2017), A Modular, Incremental, and Adaptable Framework for the Development of Robotics Systems, April Research Day, Lawrence Technological University. http://qbx6.ltu.edu/chung/papers/RoboticsFramework_ResearchDay17.pdf
Open-Access Articles, Memos Published Online Repository
Justin Dombecki, James Golding, Mitchell Pleune, Nicholas Paul, Chan-Jin Chung, A Successful Integration Of The Robotic Technology Kernel (RTK) For A By-Wire Electric Vehicle System With A Mobile App Interface, arXiv:2208.03535 [cs.RO], 2022, https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.03535
C. J. Chung (Sep. 2018). Move Your Body, Animate the Movement, and Learn Computer Science, LTU ARISE-TM-2018-1
Chung, C. & Cartwright, C (2011) Evaluating the Long-term Impact of Robofest since 1999, http://www.robofest.net/2011/ARISE-TM-2011-3.pdf, ARISE-TM-2011-1
Anderegg, D. and Chung C., Advisor (2011). Energy Consumption difference for NXT robots with varying mobile platforms, http://arise.ltu.edu/ARISE-TM-2011-2.pdf, ARISE-TM-2011-2
Master of Educational Technology Theses
Rose Cybulski, Educational Outcomes of Robofest and FIRST Robotics Competitions, 2010
Michael Dobbyn, A Comparative Study of, and Methodologies to Improve, the use of Middle School Robotics Competitions for STEM Education, 2010
2021 IGVC Self-Drive 1st Place
2019 IGVC Self-Drive 1st Place
2018 IGVC Self-Drive 1st Place
2017 IGVC Spec 21st Place
History of Lab Locations
CW21 (1999-2011)
M219 (2007~2017) – ARISE (Autonomous Robotics Institute for Students and Educators)