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Home » College of Architecture and Design » Accreditation
In the United States, most registration boards require a degree from an accredited professional degree program as a prerequi site for licensure. The National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB), wh ich is the sole agency authorized to accredit professional degree programs in ar chitecture offered by institutions with U.S. regional accreditation, recognizes three types of degrees: the Bachelor of Architecture, the Master of Architecture, and the Doctor of Architecture. A program may be granted an eight-year term, an eight-yea r term with conditions, or a two-year term of continuing accreditation, or a thr ee-year term of initial accreditation, depending on the extent of its conformanc e with established education standards. Doctor of Architecture and Master of Ar chitecture degree programs may require a non-accredited undergraduate degree in architecture for admission. However, the non-accredited degree is not, by itself, recognized as an accredited degree.
NAAB Website:
Lawrence Technological University, College of Architecture and Design, Department of Architecture offers the following NAAB-accredited degree program:
Master of Architecture (through 4 possible tracks):
Track I Direct Entry: 169 credit-hour direct-entry for student entering the University as freshman or as lower-division transfer students from community colleges, articulation partners, and so forth.
Track II : 47 credit-hour graduate-level-track for students with pre-professional degrees from other institutions.
Track III : 89-credit-hour program for students with baccalaureate degrees in subjects other than architecture.
Track IV: 79 credit-hour program for students with baccalaureate degrees in one of the non-architectural environmental design fields (interior design, landscape architecture, etc.).
Next accreditation visit for all programs: 2023
2020 NAAB Conditions for Accreditation
2020 NAAB Procedures for Accreditation
2023 Architectural Program Report Final Version
2023 APR Evaluating Content of Non-Accredited Degrees
2023 APR Student Diversity Goals and Admissions
2013 Architectural Program Report
2023 NAAB Visiting Team Report
The interior design program leading to the Bachelor of Science in Interior Design is accredited by the Council for Interior Design Accreditation, , 206 Cesar E. Chavez Ave SW, Suite 350, Grand Rapids, MI, 49503.
The CIDA-accredited program prepares students for entry-level interior design practice, for advanced study, and to apply for membership in professional interior design organizations. The Bachelor of Science in Interior Design granted by Lawrence Technological University meets the educational requirement for eligibility to sit for the National Council for Interior Design Qualification Examination (NCIDQ Exam). For more information about NCIDQ Exam eligibility visit:
It typically takes students 14-16 credits per semester and four years to complete the degree program.
68.4% of students admitted in the fall of 2023 returned in the fall of 2024, putting attrition at 31.5%. (Data source: Institutional Research)
Of the students graduating in 2023, 13% graduated in 4 years. 75% graduated in 5 years. (Data source: Institutional Research)
6 out of 8 students who graduated in 2023 applied for graduate school, and 5 were accepted. All of the students who pursued graduate studies enrolled in LTU’s Master of Architecture program. (Data source: Institutional Research)
100% of students who graduated in the 2022/2023 academic year were employed in interior design or a related profession upon or within three months of graduation. The students who pursued a Master’s degree all maintain employment. (Data source: Institutional Research and student self-reported information via LinkedIn)
0% of students who graduated in 2020 applied for graduate school.
All degree programs in the Department of Design in the College of Architecture and Design are accredited by the National Association of Art and design (NASAD). This includes the Bachelor of Fine Art degrees in Game Art, Graphic Design, and Interaction Design; the Bachelor of Science degrees in Product Design and Transportation Design; and the Bachelor of Interior Architecture; and both graduate programs, the Master of Interior Design and the Master of Environmental Graphic Design.
NASAD Website:
As a part of the NC-Sara Reciprocity agreement, Lawrence Technological University is required to disclose publicly, the educational requirements for professions that require a license or certification to practice in that field*. This disclosure is not affected by the method of delivery of the program: online, on ground or hybrid. The full list of programs and certificates and their satisfaction of requirements can be found in the table listed below and on each individual college website.
Current and prospective students are encouraged to contact the licensing board of the state or territory in which they wish to practice post-graduation for further information and possible additional requirements. State board links may be accessed through the link provided in the table to the various professional associations. The table below is a good faith effort to provide the most current information on Lawrence Technological University programs and their status with regards to individual state requirements. This table should not be viewed as a guarantee of licensure in a particular state as requirements subject to change by each individual state and territory.
*“Professional Licensure” or “Licensure” means: A process of state or other governmental entities that establishes standards of practice and gives legal permission to practice a profession by providing licenses or certifications to individuals who meet those standards. “NC-Sara Policy Manual, June 27, 2022. Volume 22.1
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