
Joe Witherow


Joe Witherow, a senior architecture student at LTU, has started his architectural journey at St. Clair College, where he earned an Ontario Advanced Diploma in Architectural Technology before transferring to LTU. Throughout his academic journey, Joe has actively sought opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge to practical projects.


The Soo Health and Wellness Complex


Architecture [BS]


The Soo Health and Wellness Complex is a fitness center located on Ashmun Bay Park in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. The complex sets out to create a connection to health and wellness within the community of Sault Ste. Marie while also promoting sustainable design practices in its construction. Further, the complex emphasizes the sustainable design practices under LEED requirements while also taking a practical and comprehensive approach to the overall construction of the complex. Additionally, the construction of the building undertakes a “kit of parts” notion in its overall makeup of structural and enclosure elements. The structure is comprised of mass timber beams and columns with horizontal elements being reinforced with a steel rod and chock system creating further rigidity while also allowing for larger column free spans. The enclosure elements of the complex consist of CLT roof panels as well as SIP exterior panels covered with wood cladding. Not only do these elements provide the basic structural necessities to the building, but also provide an overall natural feel and aesthetic on both the exterior and interior of the complex. In addition to the sustainable design initiative in the complex’s design, the roof and parking bays feature solar thermal and PV arrays above, meeting the LEED requirements for sustainable design as well as striving to achieve net zero carbon footprint.

Overall, the Soo Health and Wellness Complex will provide the community of Sault Ste. Marie with a new place to gather and grow as a community through recreational activities hosted within the complex.

Interior Render_Pool