Katlynn Singleton was born and raised in Detroit and was drawn to Architecture through her love for drawing, modeling, and math. Her architectural work often takes inspiration from geometric forms and is often presented with vibrant colors, aiming to connect to and engage the surrounding community through amenities, activation principles, and intuitive wayfinding.
The Soo Health and Sport Hall
MajorArchitecture [BS]
DescriptionThis interpretation of the Soo Health and Fitness Center is composed using a nested radial logic where four major hexagons array themselves radially around a central courtyard, stepping in scale. The central courtyard creates a gateway between an internal tree court and the bay edge. Smaller hexagons extend from the courtyard into the landscape, creating a series of interactive objects that lead people out to the trails along the bay edge. This series of follies, the building, and their situation on the site facilitate a vibrant community center: The Hex of Sault Ste Marie.