Katharine Satullo is a senior dual majoring in Architecture and Interior Architecture. She is passionate about adaptive reuse and historic preservation. The character and stories that surround older buildings inspires her to revitalize them, rather than condemn them. After graduation she will be working at Quinn Evans Architects.
Merging Cultures
MajorInterior Design [BS]
DescriptionThis Interior Design project aims to create a community center at Wageningen University, in the Netherlands. This university was chosen because it has a high international student percentage; in particular Chinese international students. This Community Center will embrace both Dutch and Chinese Architecture components. The harmonization of cultures and architecture styles will allow for a welcoming space that makes both cultures’ feel accepted. The merging of cultural components and the draw of different cultures will promote multicultural engagement in a college atmosphere. By layering Chinese spatial programming, material, and vernacular design onto existing Dutch architecture; the characteristics of the culture’s architecture will be understood without appropriating their culture's styles.