
Michigan's Silent Killer


Graphic Design [BFA]


The project prompt, which us students with creating an activism campaign aimed at either the national or local level, which had me to select a local audience, with a specific focus on the residents Michigan, where the pervasive issue of heart disease reigns as the leading cause of death, surpassing cancer fatalities by a significant margin of 7,000, in just 2022 alone, thereby underscoring the pressing and immediate necessity for heightened awareness and proactive measures. In light of these alarming statistics, my activism campaign seeks to speak to individuals, organizations, and policymakers to enact major changes and initiatives that promote heart health and save lives across Michigan.

My aim in my activism campaign was to confront the harsh reality of heart disease's impact in Michigan. By presenting the raw numbers, I sought to evoke a sense of unease, highlighting the scale of the issue. However, the intention was not to instill fear but rather to illuminate the urgency for change. Following this harsh truth, the campaign pivoted towards solutions and prevention, empowering individuals with the knowledge and tools to control their health and prevent such deadly outcomes. It's about acknowledging the harsh reality, but also about inspiring action and fostering hope for a healthier future through activism.
