Louis-Michael Prezioso

Louis Prezioso


My name is Louis-Michael Prezioso. I am from the Bronx NY and got my bachelor’s in architectural technology with a concentration in construction management, last May from the New York Institute of Technology. Once I graduate I want to enter the field of architecture and only do 1 family housing. Outside of architecture, I have a large passion for cars and I am pursuing getting my real estate license.

Exterior perspective

Ashmun Bay Park


Architecture [M.Arch]


This project is located close to the peninsula of Ashmun Bay Park. The building itself sits just off of the existing boat launch to connect the already existing conditions to the new ones that this project brings. The project has a central ellipse that is used to connect the main program spaces but also acts as the circulation and connection of both levels. Throughout the ellipse are three ramps that run along the interiormost curve. These ramps both start and end important program spaces that have a strong relationship with each other. For example, the entrance to the gym is at the bottom of the ramp which ends at the fitness center.

Since the ellipse is such a large portion of the overall project the structures all branch off the radial points of the ellipse, so not only is it the main connection but it is the driving force of the positioning of the human spaces. As the circulation of the building the ellipse, it features about a 70/30 split of windows of patterned transparency and walls. As a way to create a destination spot throughout the entire project, there sits a fairly large lily pond that will find its home in the central courtyard that is formed by the ellipse.

The overall envelope of the building is made up of insulated metal panels that are 3 ft wide and enclose the structure that is situated at 15 feet on center bays.

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Interior Perpsective1