
Ellise Perryman

Perryman lives in Oklahoma and owns a residential design firm expanded to serve Arkansas. Perryman is first and foremost an artist before architect and implements that identity into her design practice at any opportunity. She majored in Studio Art at the University of Oklahoma and expanded her studies to architecture realizing how design can truly change the world. She hopes to practice architecture serving the public to experience unique spatial quality in everyday life, even in rural areas of the country.


Victory Park




This project researched the impact of the 1964 construction of I 375 through downtown Detroit with special attention being paid to the destruction of the predominantly African American communities of Black Bottom and Paradise Valley as a result of the National Interstate and Defense Highway Act of 1956. This area of the city was vibrant with art, music, and creative life before government interference. The project was narrowed to focus on the McDougall-Hunt neighborhood. My project specifically focuses on a building off of Ludden Street right off of Gratiot that was once the railway and switching station. For this building that the city still owns, I am proposing a multi-use space that can house art, music, and cultural activities to serve the neighborhood. The project also proposes permanent art installations like stained glass, mosaics, and murals created by local artists that narrate the rich history of the former life of the neighborhood. The neighborhood is still populated with an art and music scene and this building could be used as a venue for concerts, art or fashion shows, makers markets, and more. I am also proposing the utilization of the adjacent lot for a park that can also host concerts, a playground, and sculpture garden.
