
Hawraa Osman

osman.hawraa1209@gmail.com Website

Hawraa Osman is a Junior Graphic Design student at Lawrence Tech graduating in May 2025. Currently, she is the Programming Director for AIGA and an intern at The Sawtooth Group where she creates social media posts, edits videos, and composes content presentations for social media.




Graphic Design [BFA]


The year is 2823. Extreme climate change has created large areas of inhabitable land, other areas are flooded from rising sea levels. Only 3% of the world is still covered with plants and farming. These areas are sporadic and heavily protected by wealthy individuals. The world’s population peaked in 2023 with only 10% remaining. Those who are kept outside of the inhabitable areas with plants are nomadic and live off the land any way they can, roaming for more food and resources. Most animals have died except those already adapted to the hotter conditions. Humans either live nomadically, underground, or in small communities near plants. Governments and corporations have sustained and advanced technology to benefit humanity despite all of the hardship from climate change.

The extremely hot climate has made it easier for infectious disease to spread. Due to low resources, people are forced to travel from one area to another in search for food. Most doctors are now coveted by the rich in one area while the others are spread out. In order to reduce disease, +ME is making medicinal travel kits that people can carry with them. It tests if they have a disease or allergy; they can also get in contact with a doctor remotely through an app so the doctor can tell them what to do to get better.
