
David Murphy, AIA

David Murphy is a licensed Architect with 15 years of experience. His expertise ranges from commercial to industrial design, always prioritizing functional, feasible, and environmentally responsible spaces. David is a highly skilled BIM coordinator with experience in multi-discipline clash detection, utilizing various technologies to bring design concepts to life and help clients visualize their designs. With superior technical skills and a meticulous approach, he approaches design challenges with critical thinking to deliver exceptional results. David is finishing his Masters this spring to expand his licensure.


Community Connect


Architecture [M.Arch]


This design features a refugee resettlement community utilizing five modular building designs. A refugee resettlement community with passive cooling and lighting is designed to provide a comfortable and sustainable living environment for refugees in a hot and arid climate. The architectural design of the camp incorporates several passive cooling and lighting strategies to minimize energy consumption and maximize natural resources.

Passive cooling strategies include shading devices, such as overhangs and pergolas, that provide shade and reduce solar heat gain. Cross-ventilation is provided through operable windows and vents that allow for natural air movement and cooling. The orientation of the buildings is also optimized to minimize solar heat gain and maximize natural ventilation.

Passive lighting strategies include the use of daylighting to provide natural light and reduce energy consumption. Buildings are designed with windows and skylights that allow natural light to enter the space. Light shelves are used to reflect natural light deeper into the space, reducing the need for artificial lighting.

The camp's architecture also incorporates sustainable materials and construction methods. Local materials are used to reduce transportation costs and minimize the carbon footprint of the project. The use of insulation and low-emissivity glass helps to reduce energy consumption and improve the thermal performance of the buildings.

In addition to passive cooling and lighting strategies, the camp's architecture also considers the social and cultural needs of refugees. The camp is designed to promote community interaction and provide a sense of place and belonging. Public spaces, such as courtyards and gathering areas, are provided to encourage social interaction and cultural exchange. The camp is divided into communities, and each community has a large sculpture canopy that provides light and shade under the central plaza. The sculpture elements represent each community and connect them with their culture and a common theme of coming together. This design feature promotes community interaction and provides a sense of place and belonging for the refugees in the resettlement community.

In summary, a refugee resettlement camp with passive cooling and lighting is designed to provide a sustainable, comfortable, and culturally appropriate living environment for refugees in a hot and arid climate. The architecture incorporates passive cooling and lighting strategies, sustainable materials, and construction methods, and promotes community interaction and cultural exchange.

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