Scott Marshall

Scott Marshall

Scott.marshall@smarchitecture.net Smarshal1@ltu.edu

I am Scott Marshall – an accomplished architect licensed in Arizona, California, Utah and Colorado. I live in Arizona and work remotely as a Project manager / Project architect with Hamilton-Anderson Associates based in Detroit Michigan. I am a United States Army Veteran. I have undergraduate and graduate degrees in business and for the past three years have been attending Lawrence Technological University as a 3+ Architectural Graduate Student.

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The Soo Leisure Center


Architecture [M.Arch]


The Soo Leisure Center is a fitness center with activity spaces, multiple pools, fitness, weightlifting, track and support spaces designed to accommodate all facets of fitness and fitness goals. The site is nestled on a peninsula adjacent to Saut St Mary on the board of Michigan and Canada. The site is a reclaimed site with existing vegetation intended to remain intact while providing revised grading to allow for the facility to be poised higher above the potential flooding plan concerns, while addressing optimal site positioning to feature the center as an all-activity support center. Ample parking and access is provided onsite with co- opportunities from the community for public transportation, pedestrian traffic, bicycle traffic and other means of ingress / egress. other site considerations include provisions for stormwater retention and detention, and improved Landscaping.

The building orientation is optimized for solar panel exposure, day-lighting, minimization of environmental exposures like wind. The simplicity of construction will minimize the environmental impact, maximize interior footprint, allow for an abundance of activity and support spaces. The interior provisions accommodates all citizens with provisions for large circulation areas along with vertical access to the upper-level services. The primary building entries and exterior circulation are easily identifiable with large exterior circulation and activity areas placed in protection of the building.

The building construction will focus on leed with provisions for quality, energy production and efficiency. The building is a steel structure, obtaining materials from local resources within the area and michigan. 46,000 sf of rooftop solar will be provided to supplement the building energy demands. Other energy efficient measures include insulated building cladding, shading, natural day- lighting, VRF and DOAS mechanical, increased insulation and minimized wall penetrations with glazing. Provisions do not exceed 30% of direct glazing, while an insulated Kalwall system will be implemented for natural day-lighting without increasing direct glare and reducing energy efficiency. Large overhangs and ideal placement of entries minimize exposure and provide year- round shading and protection.

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