
Matthew Mansour

mmansour2@ltu.edu Instagram

Mansour serves as an architectural intern at Undecorated in Detroit. In the Fall, he will be continuing his education at the University of Michigan to pursue his Master of Architecture. Matthew's work aspires to respond to local cultures, histories, economies, and communities through human-centered design and material and fabrication within the context of the built environment. He is deeply interested in studying primitive architecture through the lenses of science, material, and technology of today, aiming to create timeless spaces that elevate our quality of life and well-being.


Sports Center


Architecture [BS]


A sports center, a place to be
To improve our physicality
A gift to Sault Ste. Marie
A beacon of vitality

A symbol of hope and health
A testament to the call
To prioritize our mental well-being and physical health

Harnessing physical and natural forces with care
From the moment you step inside
A feeling of calmness prevails
A connection to the outside

A gym, a pool, a running track
A space for team and solo play
A place to challenge and attack
Where worries are kept at bay

For in this sports center, we find
A place to grow and thrive
A sanctuary for the mind
Where we can feel alive.

(Poem written by Matthew and AI)
