Jake Holstad

Jake Holstad

jakeholstad@gmail.com Website Instagram

Jake is an Interior Design student who is deeply passionate about crafting new and unique experiences. He is a firm believer that our environment shapes our reality and he aims to shape it through careful consideration and innovative design. Jake finds great satisfaction in designing spaces that are intentional and, in the future, he aspires to enhance human experiences through his interior design skills.

Cohousing Concept Image

Cohousing Concept


Interior Design [BS]


This project aims to create a necessary next step for young adults that is affordable and worth their while. Cohousing is a term that is gaining traction globally. It describes an intentional community where private residences are grouped around shared common spaces. This technique helps facilitate meaningful connections with neighbors and helps promote a supportive environment.

After careful research into the life of cohousing, this project will implement certain design techniques to create the best overall experience. This concept blurs the lines between commercial and residential design and, furthermore, becomes a social experiment with maintenance and chore responsibilities divided equally among its residents. It also offers a healthier lifestyle through its amenities and location.

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