Demorow Profile

Ava Domorrow


Domorrow is a senior architecture student at Lawrence Technological University. She will be pursuing a Master’s Degree for Lawrence Tech. Ava has focused her studies at Lawrence Tech on sustainability and community centered design. These interests have influenced the design for Ava’s final Comprehensive Design project.


The Soo Health and Wellness Center


Architecture [BS]


This project is a sports and wellness center in Saute Ste Marie Michigan situated on Ashmun Bay. The aim of this project is to respond to natural forces and integrate them into the building. Forces like water influenced the roof form, and daylighting influenced the orientation of the building. The ideals of the Living Building Challenge governed the performance of the building, which in turn influenced the overall form of the space. Cultivating and treating water, whether it is rainfall or waste water, is an important aspect of this project. Through many studies of these conditions the design is able to perform and meet the needs of its occupants.