These projects were inspired by surrealist games of atypical forms of reasoning, visual and verbal punning, and formal constraints to generate multivalent objects. This process of figuring and creating allowed the teams to arrive at solutions through indirect thinking and narrative building, like drawing constellations out of a field of stars figuring connects the dots to construct meaningful patterns. After each model was created the students were asked: What does it do? How does it work in the world? How does the world it comes from work?
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Joseph Altshuler
David Corns
Elise Dechard
Hannah Dewhirst
Timothy Kummer
Victoria Mcreynolds
Zack Morrison
Philip Plowright
Ingrid Schmidt
Mohamad Abdulahe
Dragon Acimovic
Ghaith Alsafi
Nathaniel Banker
Michael Bluth
Monica Chavarria
Brandy Chirco
Alin Codreanu
Richard Cook
Brittany Davis
Samuel De Jonge
Kyle DiMaggio
Simon Eltayar
Carmen Fernandez
Jose Furtado
Anthony Germanese
Arley Gonzalez
Elizabeth Hempsted
Breanna Hielkema
Jeremy Hip
Kyle Hurley
Zhangzheng Ji
Rene Kadoo
Shawn Kitchen
Stephanie Kortman
Wu Liu
Austin Loper
Junyi Luo
Lucas McGrail
Nicolas MercerAllaa Mokdad
Chris Mueller
Vincent Murad
Thomas Nemitz
Michal O'DonohueKirk Paisley
Lily Paterson
Flora Pattah
Takleab Schewai
Natalie Severy
Rasha Shkoukani
Carrie Smith
McKenna Stelzner
Michelle Stock
Adam Wingelaar
Lingzi Yang
Lei Yu
Megan Zapoli