Diego Courtney

Diego Courtney

dcourtney@ltu.edu diegocourthey7@gmail.com Design Instagram

Howdy! I’m a 5th year Architecture student in the graduate program, and a former player of the Lawrence Tech Golf Team. Born and Raised in Austin, Texas I’ve watched my city grow and develop at the expense of the natural habitats. This has inspired much of my work in the architecture program to be environmentally focused, and the bulk of my thesis work.


Natural Suburbia


Architecture [M.Arch]


In my thesis, Natural Suburbia: Redesigning the Suburban Environment with Nature, I question the conventional, profit-driven model of suburban development by emphasizing environmental sustainability and symbiosis. My work stems from a knowledge of the detrimental effects of post-World War II suburban sprawl, which led me to use the Living Building Challenge (LBC) as a framework. I suggest suburban neighborhoods that strike a compromise between economic demands and environmental respect. My chosen site in Austin, Texas, will be used to explore options for solar energy collecting, water collection, and biodiversity enhancement. This thesis proposes a scalable model for future growth, using architectural solutions that not only promote ecological restoration but also improve community connectivity. Through Natural Suburbia, I hope to create a new development strategy for suburban living that is sensitive to both human needs and the well-being of our planet.

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