
Andrew Collier


Andrew Collier introduces himself as a prospective graduate with a Bachelor’s in Architecture this December. His design interests revolve around strong, simple structures and green building techniques. He often incorporates uncommon green building materials, particularly in insulation, into his projects.

3D View - Exterior

The Sault Health and Sports Hall


Architecture [BS]


The Sault Health and Sports Hall will be in Ashmun Bay, fitting in with the masterplan drafted for the park. The building will sit along the power canal, using the water for a water source heat pump HVAC system. The building is designed around a strong, symmetrical design. The central axis is highlighted by glazing going up the front wall, along the roof, then down the back to the canal. The rooftop of the building is designed to have a smooth façade when looking from the entrance, but a broken façade when viewed from the other side of the canal, creating a step-down appearance that continues to the open-air seating area on the second floor and the pier activity area along the canal. The central glazing also highlights the rock-climbing wall located in the central courtyard of the building, serving as a focal point both visually and for navigation. The building carries this symmetrical, orthogonal planning throughout the interior. Interior courtyards are located by both primary activity spaces on either end of the building, both providing daylight into the space as well as tying the primary spaces back to the glazed central axis of the building. The primary activity spaces also feature strong glazing, but on opposite walls. This is both a program benefit and a design choice, allowing for different views throughout the building without risking sun exposure on the curling sheets located in one of the primary spaces.

3D View - Interior