Loic Chauvin

Loїc Chauvin

lchauvin@ltu.edu Website

Loїc Chauvin, a graduating senior in Transportation Design, is a French-American student originally from Paris, France, who grew up in the Bloomfield area of Michigan. With core foundational values in design principles and a keen eye for details, he strives to push the boundaries of conventional automotive aesthetics towards a more unique approach. His work characterizes a harmonious blend of form and function while focusing on bringing forth the user experience, sustainability, and cutting-edge technology. Drawing inspiration from natural principles and future-forward trends, he is committed to shaping the future of automotive design by challenging the use of transportation that not only meets technical requirements but also reinvigorates the emotional excitement in the hearts of enthusiasts and consumers alike for a well-rewarded experience.

Woven City

Woven City


Transportation Design [BS]


This spring semester, I had the chance to push boundaries from a user-centric point of view that dictates the level of fidelity I can achieve as a designer. I developed a Toyota ride-share concept for Japan in 2050. The vehicle encapsulates Toyota’s goal for a Woven City located in Susono, by Mt. Fuji. Woven City is designed to be a sustainable utopia in which this new mobility system is able to realize our dream of creating a collaborative well-being for all. My goal for this project was to push Toyota’s purpose of breaking traditional boundaries to fulfill an inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainably driven lifestyle for users to get around a Woven City. While using my supportive research from a user standpoint, the vehicle strives on pursuing the sense of well-being, efficiency of space, adaptability for daily use, and a sense of connection with the vehicle. Throughout the day, the rear of the vehicle accommodates the user with a practical space to stay productive with a table that flips, opening up an elegantly presented water fountain, comfortable seating, and storage holder. Water is recycled back through a filtered water fountain from the hydrogen system that powers the vehicle, enabling drinkable water for the user. This water is also used to benefit green life, supporting plants with recycled water and the necessary sunlight. When sundown approaches, the users (typically a couple) are exposed to an iconic grand entrance with a smart seating system that pulls out and smoothly accommodates the user experience for a one of a kind ‘date night’ aesthetic. It is a spirited space for couples and friends eagerly preparing for a festive soiree, merging tech and green life together in motion. Creating everlasting memories with loved ones while benefiting the environment from a sustainable manner to achieve a new and efficient future lifestyle. 

Screenshot 2024-04-27