The campus will remain closed until 12 noon Thursday, 02/13/25. Students should log into Canvas for specific class information from their instructors. Please contact event organizers for information on specific activities. Normal operations will resume at 12pm on Thursday.
Registration for Summer 2025 and Fall 2025 will open as follows:
Priority Registration 1 – Athletes | Thursday | April 3rd, 2025 | 7:30 a.m. |
Priority Registration 2 – Students with Disabilities – Honors Program Students – Veterans – ROTC Cadets – Resident Assistants | Monday | April 7th, 2025 | 7:30 a.m. |
Doctoral and Graduate | Tuesday | April 8th, 2025 | 7:30 a.m. |
Seniors | Wednesday | April 9th, 2025 | 7:30 a.m. |
Juniors | Wednesday | April 9th, 2025 | 12 p.m. |
Sophomores | Thursday | April 10th, 2025 | 7:30 a.m. |
Freshmen | Friday | April 11th, 2025 | 7:30 a.m. |
All students are encouraged to meet with their advisor prior to registration to make course selection easier
TO ATTEND A COURSE, YOU MUST BE OFFICIALLY REGISTERED. Students are not permitted to “sit in” on courses without being officially registered.
How do I get a copy of my Class Schedule?
Students may obtain a copy of their course schedule online by accessing BannerWeb. They may also receive a copy of their course schedule from the One Stop Center, located in C304 of the A. Alfred Taubman Student Services Center.
Spring 2025 Important Dates
Summer 2025 Important Dates
General Advising Information
Several weeks prior to registration, students are strongly encouraged to login to BannerWeb to view any holds that may exist on their student account that prohibit registration. This will allow students the opportunity to resolve their holds and allow them to register for the upcoming semester. If a student does have a hold on their record, they should contact the department that issued the hold to begin the resolution process.
In addition, most students are required to meet with their advisor before they register. (There are some exceptions to this; contact your advisor or the One Stop Center to ask if you are required to have an advisor’s authorization to register.)
ALL Undergraduate students (with the exception of dual Civil Engineering/Architecture students) must meet with an advisor in advance to ensure they do not have a hold that will prevent registration.
For dual Civil Engineering/Architecture students , the ALT PIN is required. This ALT PIN can only be obtained through your academic advisor. The One Stop Center in the Office of the Registrar CANNOT give out an ALT PIN. The ALT PIN will be required for these students to register online via BannerWeb .
If there are no holds on the student account, the student should register online via BannerWeb . Login to the secure area using your Banner ID and your pin number. If you forget your pin or get locked out of your account contact the One Stop Center at or 248-204-2280 have your pin reset.
Once in BannerWeb go to: Student Services and Financial Aid; Registration; Add/Drop Classes; enter the Term and Alt Pin if prompted; and either Search for Classes or Register using the CRN numbers. (CRN numbers are specific to an individual course section and are important in the registration process).
A note on registering for classes with prerequisites: Students are responsible for successfully completing prerequisites listed in the University Catalog or in the Banner Online Catalog for all courses in which they are registered. In those exceptional circumstances where a prerequisite may be waived, the student must contact the Department that is offering the course. If they approve the student to take the course they will electronically enter an override and the student can register normally via BannerWeb. If a Prerequisite is waived, it is for one semester only and does not exempt the student from taking the waived prerequisite in the future.
Students must be officially registered with the University to attend courses at the University. Students may not sit in courses without being officially registered.
There is a designated Add/Drop period for each semester. This is the timeframe in which students have to change around their schedule without penalty. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the One Stop Center in writing or by dropping courses online through BannerWeb . The dropped courses (if completed during the Add/Drop period) are not recorded on the transcript. Please refer to the Key Deadlines and Dates section for the appropriate deadlines for the current semester. It is the student’s responsibility to know these deadlines and to take action accordingly.
While exceptional circumstances may necessitate the need to register after classes begin, students are encouraged to finalize all registrations prior to the first day of the semester. Students may, however, add courses online through the end of the Add/Drop period. After the end of this period, written permission is required from the student’s advisor, instructor, and Department Chair. The student must then register in person at the One Stop Center.
Note: If a registered student elects not to attend courses and does not drop them, full tuition is still charged and the grade of “WF” is issued for the courses. Please note that there are no exceptions to this policy; it is the student’s responsibility to drop courses when they decide not to attend the courses or LTU.
When dropping or withdrawing from courses, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the One Stop Center in writing or by dropping courses online through BannerWeb . Add/Drop forms can be obtained on our Forms to Print page or at the One Stop Center . The date of the drop or withdrawal will be the date that the One Stop Center receives the completed Add/Drop Form from the student or the date that the student drops the course(s) on BannerWeb.
To protect our students’ right to privacy, drops and withdrawals may not be conducted by telephone, or by email without the add/drop form attached.
For courses dropped after the Add/Drop period, this is considered a withdrawal, a “W” is issued on the transcript and no tuition refund is given. Please note that if a student is dropping all courses or their only course, all fees are still assessed to the student account.
There is a point in the semester when students may not withdraw from courses and therefore must accept the grade earned in the course. Please see the Key Deadlines and Dates and Academic Calendar sections for the deadlines associated with withdrawing.
Waitlisting allows students to place themselves on a waitlist when the class is full (if a waitlist spot is available), and is available on BannerWeb each semester from the first date of registration through the last day to add courses on BannerWeb. For dates, please refer to the academic calendar on the Office of the Registrar website: .
Waitlisting is only available for select courses. If the class is full and there is a waitlist maximum, and you meet all criteria for the course, you have the option to place yourself on the waitlist.
A waitlist is an electronic process that sends notification to students that a seat is available for a waitlisted closed class. This enables students to get into classes they want without having to continuously check for possible openings. Waitlist operates on a first-come, first-served basis.
Not all classes offer waitlists. Each academic department, along with the Registrar’s Office, is responsible for determining if their class offerings have a waitlist or not. If a waitlist is available for the class, an indicator will appear next to that section in the Schedule of Classes. For courses with no waitlist available, you will need to check regularly for possible openings.
You may add yourself to any number of waitlists for different courses, but you cannot enroll beyond the maximum number of hours allowed for that term, and you cannot be on a waitlist for multiple sections of the same course.
You should remove yourself from the waitlist in BannerWeb, following the same process as dropping a course.
There are a limited number of seats available for a waitlist, so if all positions are filled, you will be unable to add yourself to the list until a waitlist seat opens up.
No. Waitlisted classes do NOT count towards your enrolled hours.
Yes, any type of hold that impacts registration will prohibit a student’s ability to use the waitlist function.
It depends on how currently enrolled students adjust their schedules and if they drop your requested class.
Waitlists are only available once the class is full. For high-demand classes, this may be the first day of registration.
Waitlist ends on the last day registration is permitted on BannerWeb, which is approximately 1 week after the start of classes.
The requirements to be added to a waitlist are the same as regular registration; for example:
Yes, the class will remain closed for standard registration until the waitlist has added or skipped all students on the waitlist. If open seats remain, the class will then open for standard registration.
You will need to add yourself back to the waitlist, however you will be added to the bottom of the list.
No, you may not attend classes that you are waitlisted for. You may only attend classes that you are officially registered for.
By staying with these times, we will experience relief from the room shortages we have been experiencing. The time blocks ensure each class is meeting the required number of hours each week based on the number of credit hours of a course.
A DegreeWorks Audit is a review of past, current and currently registered for coursework that provides information on completed and outstanding requirements necessary to fulfill a degree/major/minor.
Degree Works is a tool to assist you with planning and tracking your progress towards your degree. A transcript is your official university record. Your Audit is not your academic transcript and it is not official notification of completion of your requirements.
At least four times a semester. You should review your Audit at the following times:
Degree Works opens automatically to the Student View of your Audit. Your graduation requirements are organized into blocks, based on type (Ex: core curriculum, math and science, leadership curriculum, major, general electives, etc.). These blocks are summarized at the top of your Audit in your Degree Block. As you look at requirements, click on the course number to view more information, such as prerequisites, course descriptions and section information.
Courses that are either Failed (F), Failed due to non attendance (WF or WN), Incomplete (I), No Credit (NC) or Withdrawn (W).
Courses that are remedial to your program or are ESL (English as a Second Language).
Courses that you have taken and passed, but do not count towards your degree, and courses you are excused from taking. Keep in mind that if you have multiple majors declared, these courses may count towards your other declared major(s). Any request for an exception must be made through your academic department.
Contact your academic department. Students will be emailed directly by the Registrar’s Office after the course exception/substitution is approved and applied to their Audit
Look at the Academic Program information next to your name at the top of the screen. You’ll notice that the Academic Program box has a drop-down box. Use this to select your other major(s).
You need to formally declare the missing major/concentration/minor at the One Stop Center .
Many requirements in DegreeWorks are concentration-driven. If you have not declared a concentration, you will need to formally declare the missing major/concentration/minor at the One Stop Center .
You can view your Audit two other ways – Registration Checklist or Graduation Checklist. To change views, select an option from the format dropdown and then select the View button. The Registration Checklist shows a concise list of the courses you still need to take. The Graduation Checklist is a condensed, quicker but less-detailed view of the Student View.
Faculty and staff who advise you may periodically make notes regarding registration, transfer courses, future term plans, etc. This information is meant to be helpful to you and to others you may be working with academically. Anyone who has access to your record in Degree Works can view the notes displayed there.
Yes. Degree Works is accessed through your secure Banner Web log in. Advisors, faculty and selected staff will also have access for the purpose of supporting your progress through your academic career. Your Degree Works Audit is part of your Educational Record and is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). As with any other personal information that you access online, you should be sure to logout of your account before leaving a public computer.
The “What If” function allows students to see how their previously taken courses would apply to a different major or minor. Be sure to also include a specific concentration if the degree you are inquiring about requires one to be declared.
The Term GPA Calculator will show students’ estimated cumulative GPA after filling in hypothetical grade information. By entering their current earned credits and GPA and placing the in-progress courses in the table (this all will default) along with the grades anticipated for current courses, students will see a revised cumulative GPA based on the estimates provided. The GPA calculator does not account for Lawrence Tech’s repeat policy.
The Look-Ahead feature allows students to enter a list of classes and see where they might apply on your Audit. It is a great tool to use as part of the registration process. Students can see how a course will be used before they actually register for it.
Your first point of contact should be your academic advisor. If your advisor is unable to resolve your questions they will contact the appropriate person in the Office of the Registrar. You may also submit e-mail questions to .
Degree Works Audit Overview
Currently Registered courses
Courses Not Counted
Insufficient Courses
Courses Outside Degree Requirements
Unofficial Transfer Credit
Banner ID Search
Advanced Search – Single Student
Advanced Search – Group of Students
Refreshing an Audit
For inquiries regarding your audit or degree requirements, your first point of contact will be your academic advisor. If you are unsure of who your academic advisor is, please contact your department for that information.
If you are having technical issues with the system, you may contact
For all inquiries, please contact
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