The campus will remain closed until 12 noon Thursday, 02/13/25. Students should log into Canvas for specific class information from their instructors. Please contact event organizers for information on specific activities. Normal operations will resume at 12pm on Thursday.

Registrar's Office


Commencement Program 2025

December 2024 Commencement Program

December 7, 2024

The Commencement Ceremony will take place on campus in the Don Ridler Field House.

We will be having one ceremony that all of the colleges will attend. It will start at 10:00am and will last approximately 90 minutes.

University leaders will share reflections and special messages, honorary degree and Alumni Achievement Award recipients will inspire you with their words of wisdom and hope, and – most importantly –  you will be individually recognized for your amazing accomplishment!

Graduation Fair

The Grad Fair is where you will collect your Commencement Tickets and purchase your cap and gown. Information regarding ordering your cap and gown will be sent to your LTU email. Each student is allotted a  set number guest tickets, based on the number of students attending the ceremony,  in addition to their own student ticket. Please bring a photo ID with you when you come in to get tickets. 

Date : Monday, October 28th – Wednesday, October 30th from 9:30am to 6:00pm

Location : The One Stop Center, located inside the Taubman Student Services Center, C304, Building #5

Frequently Asked Questions

The Commencement ceremony will take place on Saturday, December 7, 2024 in the Don Ridler Field House (Building #15).

The only person allowed to cross the stage is the graduate.

Tickets will be distributed to participating graduates at the Grad Fair on October 28th – October 30th from 9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the One Stop Center, located inside the Taubman Student Services Center, C304 (Building #5). Each student is allotted a set number guest tickets, based on the number of students attending, in addition to their own student ticket. All children, including infants, are required to have a ticket. They are a part of the Fire Marshal count too! Please bring a photo ID with you when you come in to get tickets.

In order to be eligible for the ticket allotment, students must have applied to graduate and RSVP’d as attending before the deadline.

Each student is allotted a set number of guest tickets, to be determined by the number of students attending the ceremony, in addition to their own student ticket. Please bring a photo ID with you when you come in to get tickets. Tickets will be distributed at the Grad Fair. 

Students who do not have a ticket will not be allowed to participate in the Commencement ceremony. Guests without tickets will not be admitted. Lost tickets will not be replaced. In order to be eligible for the ticket allotment, students must have applied to graduate and RSVP’d as attending before the deadline.   

All children, including infants, are required to have a ticket. They are a part of the Fire Marshal count too!

If you are unable to attend the Grad Fair, you can authorize a friend or family member to collect your tickets and cap/gown by emailing no later than October 30, 2024.

If you are not able to attend or to have a friend/family member collect your tickets, then you will need to complete a Commencement Ticket Request form and email it to no later than October 30, 2024 . Please be aware that the university is not responsible for tickets which are delayed due to mail issues. Lost tickets will not be replaced. Information regarding purchasing your cap and gown will be sent to your LTU email. 

Students who do not have a ticket will not be allowed to participate in the Commencement ceremony. Guests without tickets will not be admitted. In order to be eligible for the ticket allotment, students must have applied to graduate and RSVP’d as attending before the deadline.

Yes! A cap and gown are REQUIRED to participate in Commencement.  Information regarding purchasing cap and gowns will be sent to your LTU email.

Graduation Regalia Price List – Please contact the LTU Bookstore more information on pricing.

Yes!  The Commencement ceremonies will be live streamed and can be watched on this website ( ) on December 7, 2024. There is no separate link to view the ceremony as it will stream on this website. After the ceremony ends, it will also be available for on demand viewing.

Only eligible graduates may purchase honor cords at the Grad Fair. For the information on eligibility, visit .

Contrary to popular belief, diplomas are not awarded during the graduation ceremony. Diplomas are only awarded once a student has completed their degree. A degree audit is completed by the department of the degree being sought. If the student has completed all requirements to receive the degree, they will list the student as “graduated.” An additional audit is then completed by the graduation team and the degree is posted to their transcript.

Diplomas are distributed approximately two months after the traditional semester ends.

The one-time graduation fee assessed to students covers the cost of the diploma and postage, degree processing, degree audit and verification from each department and the Registrar’s Office. All graduates must pay the fee, regardless of attendance at the ceremony.

Yes! You will need to RSVP via an online form to ensure a seat is reserved for you. A link to the form will sent via email to your LTU email account in September.

Please Note: All faculty must wear full academic regalia to participate in the ceremony. Information regarding regalia rental will be sent to your LTU email.

Faculty members do not need a ticket. You simply need to show your photo ID when you enter the front door of the Don Ridler Field House (Building #15). Once inside, follow signs for “Faculty Robing” and check in with our volunteer there.

Congratulations Class of 2024!

Thank you for all of the warm and wonderful submissions. This form is now closed.

Notes from the Community

Taylar Sciborski,
Love you bunches . Congrats on graduating from college, know it’s been a long road of your life. So proud of everything you have done. We are happy and proud of all you have achieved. God be with you the rest of your life. We love you always and forever.

Grandma and Grandpa

Fejiro Asidi,
Congratulations!! You shall excel and get to the apex of your career in Jesus name. I am so proud of you.

Damian Efetobore

Raven Stiger,
Congratulations! Love you!

Ciara Hamilton

Lloyd Selden,
Congratulations Class of 2023!

Sangeeta Selden

Raven Stiger,
So proud of you Raven, you have made a great accomplishment.

Diane Stiger

Christian Cygan,
So much pride for our nephew, Christian today. Love you Cygan Fam!

Scott & Stacey Babut

Reid Gelonic,
Watching you graduate per phone!!!!
Love you sooo much!
Congratulations you did it!!!!

Mary Calkins

Shubham Bapat,
Hearty Congrats to you and all the future engineers.

Ranjit Kamat

Emily Marzolino,
Congrats Emily. So proud of You.

Ralph Marzolino

Kyle Tomczik,
Congratulations Kyle! The puzzles and legos were only the beginning of your building career. So proud of you.

Grandma and Grandpa Tomczik

Raven Stiger,
Congratulations! Niecey Pooh We are Super Proud of you! Multiple Degrees! You are the Master!!!

Mr. Mrs. Adam Siger

Kyle Tomczik,
Congratulations Class of 23, We are so proud of you Kyle!

Christine Neu

Kamryn Curtiss,
Hard work pays off. This Nana is so very proud of our miracle girl. Love you Kamryn Kay.

Ann Hale

Neaam Alani,
Congratulations on your achievement. Wish you wonderful and successful career.

Bashar Haddad

Hassan Siddig,
Congratulations on your achievement. Wish you wonderful and successful career. Bast wishes,

Bashar Haddad

Ronza Kassab,
Congratulations on your accomplishments. Wish you a wonderful and successful career.

Bashar Haddad

Carlos Gonzales,
Felicidad es mijo muy bien echo yeee!

Yolanda Yante

Khamryn Curtiss,
Congratulations and have a great day!

Love Grandpa Rick

Erik Engdahl,
Congratulations my handsome nephew with that beautiful smile. Very proud of you.

Patricia Waldorf

Fejiro Asidi,
Congratulations for your well-deserved success. God bless!

Richard Djukpen

Jacob VanVleet,
Congratulations Jacob, Way to Go. We are very Proud of your accomplishments in Hockey and Psychology.

John and Sheree Berryman

Nicolas Da Motta,
Congratulations champ. And best regards from your grandparents.

Julio Ohep

Fegiro Asidi,
Congrats Fefe. I am proud of you. Wish you Godspeed as you journey through life. Congratulations once again.

Sam Asidi

Congratulations and best wishes to the Class of 2023 for a lifetime of continued success and accomplishment!

Bruce Annett

Yeen Lee,
Best wishes for your future & congratulations on your graduation!

Love Wilfrid & Serena

Gabrielle Mitchell,
Congratulations on your success – keep your head down and out hustle your competition!

Mark Mitchell

Mikayla Burtch,
It’s been incredible watching you expand talent over the last four years. I know you’ll do excellent work no matter where life takes you. I’m very proud you.

Justin Burtch

Congratulations Logan Wessel!
So proud of all your hard work! Keep kicking life’s butt!

Love you! Mom

Brittany McKnight,
Britt you always have been that go getter and determined now determination has paid off I am so proud of you congratulations my Angel.

Love Mom, GM, and GP

Maxwell Allison,
Penny and I are so proud of you and your accomplishments. We know you had to overcome some big challenges to achieve this. Keep up the strong work

We love you Dad and Penny

Sanna Sisawo,
We are so very proud of you for all your accomplishments. Continue to move forward with the same energy and mindset. Good Luck with all future endeavors! Congratulations graduate of 2023.

Dylan Procter,
Class of 2023, due to the worldwide pandemic you probably had the most challenging years ever to try and stay on course and continue to learn. But you did it! Congrats!!

Linda Procter

Isaiah Cumberland,
CONGRATULATIONS, Son! Another great accomplishment! You have demonstrated outstanding character, commitment, and dedication to excellence in the classroom and on the court! We are so proud of you.

Judy Cumberland

Chantol Aspinall,
You earned this moment! Be proud!

Mikayla Burtch,
Congratulations on your graduation!! Words cannot begin to express how extremely proud we are of you and all that you have accomplished thus far. You have always had such a wonderful talent for drawing and designing, and to see you put it into practice is awesome. You never cease to amaze us with what you are able to do. We pray God’s blessings over you as you begin this next chapter of life. We look forward to continuing to see all that you will accomplish! We love you so very much!

Love, Dad, Mom, Jocelynn & Trinity

Weston Hauff,
Everyone around you always wondered how you made it so far. Now they can wonder how you graduated.

RJ Thompson,
Congratulations to our Engineering Graduate!! You worked so hard and made us all so proud! We love you so much, and we cannot wait to see what the future holds for you. You deserve all the happiness and success, you earned it!! Congratulations for all your hard work. We love you so much!!

Love, Mom & Dad

Kedarius Flowers,
Congratulations to my son Kedarius, the first in my family to graduate from college. You are a very bright and determined young man and I know you’ll go far in your career. Me and Camarii love you so much and we’re very proud of our graduate <3

Johnnyse Flowers

Nick Ryan,
Your Dad and I are so proud of all that you’ve accomplished here at Lawrence Tech. Your trajectory is straight up to success. Congratulations!!! We love you!!

Love, Dawn Ryan

Ian Flanagan,
So proud of you Ian! Against many odds, you did it! Go out and show the world what you are made of, congrats!

Dennis and Debbie Randall

Kendall Hands,
Congratulations Kendall! We’re so proud of you!

Linda Neal

Grace McIsaac,
Grandpa and I are so very proud of you graduating! Wish I could be with you but that’s impossible you’re with me in my heart. Love always grandma and grandpa Hikade. Best wishes in your endeavors what year degree. Congratulations.

Mary Ann Hikade

Gurrea Álvaro,
Muchas felicidades hijo, a merecido la pena tu esfuerzo y sacrificio. Espero que tengas tu merecida recompensa. Te quiero cariño

Gurrea Juan Pedro

Ben Schock,
We love you and wish you the moon and stars. Congratulations on this day, achieving and excelling all of your goals. You deserve the best life has to offer….go get it. Xoxoxo

Jake & Dale Kasprzyk

Michelle Meister,
Congratulations Michelle from your family at Chicago Donauschwaben Jugend! We are so proud of you!

Tyrese Searles,
Congratulations, Godson, so proud of you!! You’re a phenomenal, dedicated, amazing, intelligent, inspiring, loving, responsible, respectful, handsome and Godly young Man. Expecting even greater things to come. Love you!

Janet Haywood

Dear Owen Bradley,
I’m sending many loving thoughts and congratulations your way. I hope you have a wonderful time visiting with your friends.

Love, Moggie

Aditya Deshpande,
Congratulations Aditya, we are proud of you.

Love from Mom and Dad

Miranda Brake,
So very proud of you. We love you so much.

Robert Brake

Mikayla Burtch,
I love you so incredibly much and I’m beyond proud of everything you have accomplished.

Trinity Burtch

Mikayla Burtch,
You made it! Congratulations! I know the last 4 years were not the easiest, but you persevered. It will all be worth it as you enter the next chapter of your life. I can’t wait to see where you go. Love you.

Jocelynn Burtch

Michelle Meister,
Way to go! We’re so proud of you.

Love you Grandpa and Grandma

Michelle Meister,
Congratulations! We are so excited for you to start the next chapter of your life! We are so proud of you!
We love you,
Aunt Karen & Aunt Jean XOXO

Christian Cygan,
Congratulations to our grandson on this special day, though you will not there in person your spirit will be there. We are so proud of the young man you became and was taken too soon!

Love Grandma and Grandpa

Cameron Bennett,
CONGRATS GRAD! I couldn’t be more proud of you and I can’t wait to see all the awesomely cool things you do. Stay kind and keep working hard. Love you!

Nard Dog

Cameron Bennett,
Cameron!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS! You impress me everyday with your hard work, curiosity and creativity. I can’t wait to see all the amazing things you’ll do after graduation!

Love you,

Owen Bradley,
Got it DONE Owen! Huge excellence in this great accomplishment. Many thoughts of all the best for you and your classmates.

Ginnie Williams

Brittany McKnight,
Congratulations Brittany, I’m so proud of you. The hard work, dedication, determination, and support from those who love you really paid off. Continue to strive and aim higher to achieve success. You’re talented, kind, strong, passionate, and giving. It’s a honor to call you my niece and I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do next. God bless you and keep rising to the top.

Auntie Evett

Jake Stuck,
On behalf of your friends and family, we are so proud of you for obtaining your Masters of Architecture degree after countless late nights! You earned it 🙂

Love, Mary & the gang

Matthew Shand,
CONGRATULATIONS Matthew. We are so proud of you. Your hard work has paid off. Covid was certainly impactful but you persevered. We love you forever and always!

The Shands, the Bells and the Jacksons.

Miranda Norris,
CONGRATS, MIRANDA! We are all so proud of you and everything you have accomplished so far. I know you’re going to be such an amazing nurse. Keep making us proud!!

Nikki Norris

Brittany McKnight,
Remember your past, live in the present, and make your future! Stay GREAT!!!! So So very proud and happy of and for you.

Alvin Hodges

Cameron Bennett,
Congratulations Cameron, there’s no doubt that you’re going to do great things!

Nicole Pacific

Blane Johnston,
You have worked very hard andhave overcome some challenges. We are very proud of you and look forward to celebrating you. We love you and congratulations.

Love, Mom & Dad

Cameron Bennett,
Cam, your entire family is so proud of you and you should be so proud of your accomplishments at LTU. We know you will go on to do some innovative things using your education, problem solving abilities, technical skills, creative talents, wonderful imagination and good work ethics. Your roots will always be with us, but you have got a pretty impressive pair of wings Bub! We love you so much and are so excited to see what your future holds!

Theresa Bennett

Christian Kazoleas,
Congratulations Christian, we are all so proud of you! We can’t wait to see what happens next.

Love you. The fam.

Courtney Pizzimenti,
So proud of you and all your hard work. So excited to see what your future holds. Congratulations on your graduation.

Tammy Pizzimenti

Jon Hodges,
Daddy, I am so happy that you’re graduating and I’m so glad that you’re so good at math! We love you so much.

Killian and Isla Hodges

Congratulations Jonathan Menna!
We are beyond proud for you and all that you have accomplished. The future holds endless possibilities for you.

Love, Mom & Dad

Hannah Comilla,
I am so extremely proud of the beautiful woman that you are. You are smart, honest, hardworking, loyal, funny, dedicated, and, a terrific daughter and sister. Anyone would be so proud to call you their daughter, I am truly blessed to be your mom. Congratulations Hannah – you did it!! I love you to the moon and back!

Mom xoxoxo

Sydney Schmid,
Grammy and Grampy are so very proud of you!!! Even though you have had challenges you persevered and finished your degree!! We are so amazed by all that you have done and know that your future will be as bright as you are!!!

Love Grammy and Grampy

Dylan Procter,
In a few short months you will be graduating college. I’m beyond proud of you. You will do amazing things in life! I love you!

Your girlfriend, Savannah

We are so very proud of you and all of your hard work and accomplishments! Your hard work and your dedication are something we are so very proud of you. Enjoy this moment in time and be proud of all you accomplished.

Love Mom and Dad

We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments!!! We are also excited for your journey as you start dental school!!

Love, Kevin and Betty

Kerry Greene,
Congratulations to our Architecture/Interior Design graduate! Your dedication and determination have brought you many accomplishments. New opportunities await for you to explore, learn, and enjoy life. We wish you much success and happiness in your journey as you continue to shine like the star that you are and achieve your dreams. We are so proud of you.

Love, Mom & Dad

» Document Viewer

Use Your Cell Phone as a Document Camera in Zoom

  • What you will need to have and do
  • Download the mobile Zoom app (either App Store or Google Play)
  • Have your phone plugged in
  • Set up video stand phone holder

From Computer

Log in and start your Zoom session with participants

From Phone

  • Start the Zoom session on your phone app (suggest setting your phone to “Do not disturb” since your phone screen will be seen in Zoom)
  • Type in the Meeting ID and Join
  • Do not use phone audio option to avoid feedback
  • Select “share content” and “screen” to share your cell phone’s screen in your Zoom session
  • Select “start broadcast” from Zoom app. The home screen of your cell phone is now being shared with your participants.

To use your cell phone as a makeshift document camera

  • Open (swipe to switch apps) and select the camera app on your phone
  • Start in photo mode and aim the camera at whatever materials you would like to share
  • This is where you will have to position what you want to share to get the best view – but you will see ‘how you are doing’ in the main Zoom session.