A 25Live/Event Management request must be submitted for ALL space reservations regardless of the size or nature of the event.
All room/space requests need to be submitted online through 25Live/Event Management. Requests submitted any other way will not be accepted.
Only employees of LTU may submit room requests. Students who would like to reserve a room must have their advisor submit the request. If your group does not have an advisor you need to contact the Office of Student Life.
Room requests must be submitted at a minimum of 2 business days prior to the event. 
If you hold a class or event in a room in which you move furniture around to suit your needs you must move the furniture back to its original placement before leaving. Failure to do so will jeopardize you or your organization’s ability to reserve rooms in the future.
You are responsible for cleaning up any space you use at LTU. Failure to do so will result in a loss of room reservation privileges.
If you do not hold your event please be courteous and cancel your 25Live reservation by emailing eventmgt@ltu.edu
All food requests or catering needs (which include snacks, meals, drinks, table clothes, etc.) must be arranged by the event requestor through Campus Dining. Outside food vendor requests must also go through Dining Services and are contingent upon their approval. Please contact Leo Tykoski at Tykoski-leo@aramark.com or 248.204.3203 for more information.
All Audio Visual requests must be arranged by the event requestor through the Audio Visual department at least 10 business days in advance. You can contact Audio Visual Staff at av@ltu.edu or 248.204.3020
Additional time should be added to your request for events requiring set-up/tear down.  Please make sure to reserve extra time to ensure the room will be open during the times Campus Facilities needs to do their work.

Guidelines for set up/custodial requests are as follows:

  • For small-scale events utilizing one or two distinct rooms or locations, a minimum of two (2) weeks advance notice is required.
  • For large-scale events utilizing three or more distinct rooms or locations, a minimum of six (6) weeks advance notice is required.
Events that occur on the weekends will need to be set up by 3pm on that Friday.
To request setup or custodial services, please complete the online request form: https://ltu.wufoo.com/forms/event-setup-application/

*Please keep in mind that a 25Live confirmation email confirms room availability only. For set up availability, please contact the Department of Campus Facilities directly at setups@ltu.edu or X3800.

**All individuals and organizations are responsible for damages and/or losses incurred during their occupancy of a room. 

Scheduling Coordinators:

Wendi Busch and Judy Ward